A Course in Miracles Practitioner Training

Course Descriptions 911-915

FAQ About ACIM Practitioner Training

Course 911 Reviews

The practice of noticing my ego thoughts brought a greater awareness of how ego is running my life. Just paying attention to those thoughts helps me to start eliminating those which bind me to the outer world. I am experiencing more joy coming from a mind that is more peaceful than it has ever been. It encourages me to practice recognizing ego more diligently. By being willing to let the ego go and replacing my thoughts with God’s interpretation, I can rest in His safety, knowing all is well all the time. —A.C.

I was reminded many times of the Love that I am. I am never alone because Holy Spirit is always right here with me. I learned to make it a habit to ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. I think of God often throughout the day and share my gratitude for His guidance every evening. —D.D.

I’ve gained so much from this course. I listen to the audio recording for morning meditations which helps the flow of the day. I really feel that I love myself more now than I ever have. This course taught me self love and appreciating what "I really am." I love the lesson practices. —M.J.

Making time to quiet is so important for me. Doing this course work allowed me this quiet time of reflection. It allows me to hear the Christ within when I work on this binder and in sharing it with my mind healing partner. I am practicing this stillness more and more. It's been helpful when interacting with my family to be quiet and listen to them without judging. —K.K.

I process events in my daily life through a different lens because I am seeing more through HS's eyes. I feel even closer to Holy Spirit than before. —S.C.

Course 912 Reviews

I have been a student of ACIM for over 20 years. This course helped me be consistent with the Course. It has become more a part of me than ever before. I honestly experienced, and still do, Love, Peace, Joy, and Contentment, even though nothing outside has changed. I have experienced miracle after miracle. —R.J.

It clarified what I understand to be a critical component of the forgiveness process. I learned how I cannot, from my ego mind, do anything on my own. I need to join with the Holy Spirit as I look without judgment at my mind and actions, and forgive. I helped me more effectively forgive so that I can remove guilt and fear from my mind and allow myself to return Home. —M.S.

I learned that Holy Spirit comes through invitation. I seem to need to be reminded of this often. It's not up to me to correct anyone; that's Holy Spirit's job. This was a huge ah-ha for me. When I'm correcting, which is the same as being judgmental, I'm no longer seeing the oneness of the Sonship. This gives me a deeper understanding of why judgment/correction is the opposite of Love. — C.B.

It was very helpful to review the work on Accepting Holy Spirit's help. I have been doing this work for many years, but the format of 912 helped me stay on track and practice more regularly. I began to see the Holy Spirit showing up in many more situations and thoughts. I realize that I need to invite Holy Spirit in always. And that He is always there for me. —S.C.

Course 913 Reviews

This course helped me accept that Perfect Love is what we are. God is. Love is. The rest is dreams. Believing in differences is denial of God's Oneness. Forgiveness sees the error never happened. It helped me see clearly and it is a miracle. My purpose is to see the world through my holiness and this course helped me be clear and much more consistent with my purpose. —J.M.

This course was so helpful in understanding the Text. I now know clearly what is real vs. illusion. I have greater understanding of the ego and how harmful ego thoughts are. It was the best thing I’ve done to help me grasp ACIM. I will be a forever student of these courses. —J.B.

The fact that fear doesn't really exist was mentioned again and again. It was helpful for me to hear that because it helped me let this sink. I am more aware than ever when I am having a fear-based thought. This course pinpoints what we need to look at and work on. Pathways of Light offers incredible tools, possibly the most important tools of my life. —L.O.

Recognizing I am not at peace is the first step, and being willing to change my illusions for peace is next. Once I am willing it is just a matter of asking Holy Spirit to take the lead. When Holy Spirit is in charge of my thoughts, my life changes accordingly and I am able to live my purpose. —A.C.

I am living the "real" world more often, with Jesus holding my hand as a guide through this unreal world, towards unconditional love. I am very grateful these courses exist. —R.T.

Course 914 Reviews

It helped me understand how gentleness and patience are powerful because they help us reflect the strength of God’s Love to our brothers. I am not frail with God beside me and I can be gentle and patient knowing that my Father’s Love is my safety. Reviewing the characteristics of a Teacher of God reminded me that I can allow these characteristics to be strengthened within and expressed through me. My commitment to answer God’s call is not about me deciding how to proceed but to pay attention and allow myself to be led. —L.W.

Today, like never before, I see the strength in gentleness. I want to surrender to the Holy Spirit's guidance because in reality there is no other way to get the peace and happiness I want. I am learning that love never commands but gently reminds others what the truth is. —J.P.

This course really helped me see through the eyes of the Holy Spirit to the innocence and gentleness in my brothers. What I see in my brothers is really in me, and I am projecting it. I am learning to be gentle and patient with myself and my brothers. My understanding of ACIM went much deeper. —D.S.

Taking this course has to be the best decision I have ever made. There is no turning back. I am so happy to be here and now. —R.J.

Course 915 Reviews

The course helped me look more closely at my unacknowledged beliefs about what I am, what the world is and what I think Reality is. The deeper enquiry has brought further light to my understanding. I can share everything that arises with Holy Spirit, knowing that deeper understanding and healing will follow. I’m very grateful that I have experienced a strengthening of trust, periods of peace, and feelings of release and healing. —L.W.

It unfolded in such a beautiful way. Being at peace has always been my motivation and now, with the help of this course, I have realized with all doubt ended, that my brother is the answer to my peace. The Pathways of Light approach to the mind healing courses is perfect. Introducing different themes combined with processes and meditations is why I chose this training. —B.S.

This is a powerful course that helped me transform my mind from fear, separation, guilt and judgements to being at peace and more loving. I am becoming more conscious of projecting guilt onto my brothers, and now know I have the power to choose again. —D.S.

It was such a beautiful journey into a deeper heart opening. The parts of the ACIM text that were selected for study were some of the most loving and sincere. It provided me with great joy and awakening. It helped me soften and open in a beautiful way. —A.R.L.

ACIM Practitioner Training, Package 3

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Courses 916-920 »

911: The Healing Journey Inward

911: The Healing Journey InwardA Course in Miracles encourages us to find our true Self within. It tells us our true Self is not outside. In fact, it tells us that there is no outside. It is only through the body's senses that we perceive an outside. In this course, you will practice taking Holy Spirit's hand to be gently led back to the truth and safety within. You will see where Jesus very clearly shows us how to go into the quiet resting place within, where we will remember we are still one with Love, our true Self.

You will practice: Going to the quiet resting place within your mind to experience the fullness of God's Love, peace and unity • From this resting place in your mind, practice recognizing the "outside world" as what it is • a projection that is coming from the split mind • Practice recognizing throughout the day whether you are perceiving from the split mind or the Christ Mind • Practice going within to receive your true Self's vision of forgiveness of your brother and yourself • Practice letting go of all forms of the belief in separation and returning to accepting the one life you share with God • Practice bringing the quiet with you to heal fear and distress.

Materials included: Workbook • 2 audio meditations: "The Peace and Love of God Is in Me Now" and "Returning from Fear to Love" • Audio version of the complete ACIM Practitioner Course to further reinforce what you are learning • Laminated poster "I Go Within to Find God" • 2 Laminated pocket-size remember cards: "I Feel God's Love and Light Within Me Now," and "Nothing Is 'Outside' Me."

Required text: A Course in Miracles, Second or Third Edition, or the Web Edition published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

Order E-Course 911 Downloadable US$159.00 (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

Order Course 911 in a binder US$159.00 + shipping (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

More Reviews by Course 911 Participants (Click to view)

Course 911 allowed me to look at my projections and to be able to grasp and accept that whatever I "see" in my outer world is only my own beliefs about myself. I learned at a deeper level that Inner Guidance will instantly correct my errors in perception the instant that I ask Him to.

I have greater clarity that the "messengers" who appear in my life (people, thoughts, experiences) are invited by me. Which thought system I am identifying with determines the identity of the appearance, real/unreal, love/illusion.

This course brings great clarity to both the causes of resistance to going within and the profound healing and happiness that comes when I let Holy Spirit guide me within to the Home that is my Source.

This course deepened my understanding of what it means to say, "There is nothing outside of myself." I now have a stronger desire to recognize my "split mind" and then turn to the Voice for God. I love myself by following Holy Spirit. To want nothing else is my goal now. It was a quantum leap in my spiritual growth.

912: Accepting Holy Spirit’s Help

912: Accepting Holy Spirit's HelpThe Holy Spirit is always there, waiting to extend Its healing change of mind. You receive this help when you stop the ego chatter and listen. You don't listen when you think you already know all the answers to your problems. It is only in choosing to accept the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that you lower the barriers to His Love that is always there for you.

You will practice: • Looking at which world you are treasuring, the ego's or Holy Spirit's • Stepping back from your perceptions and accepting God's gift — the Holy Spirit — to have all your perceptions corrected • Recognizing that all fault finding stems from the ego's belief in weakness, and being willing to let it go • Accepting the Holy Spirit's vision as your strength, instead of accepting belief in weakness and attack • Making room for the Holy Spirit by letting your state of mind be returned to a place of peace and happiness • Recognizing the choice you are making every minute between separation or oneness • Joining with the Holy Spirit's extension of the one Mind instead of joining with ego's projection of guilt onto an outside world. • Remembering the eternal now and letting it heal all belief in the past or future • Connecting with the Holy Spirit in all your brothers.

Materials included: Workbook • 2 audio meditations: "Inviting the Holy Spirit In" and "Accepting and Giving the Eternal Now with Holy Spirit" • Audio version of the whole course to further reinforce what you are learning • Laminated poster: "I Hear Holy Spirit's Call" • 2 Laminated pocket-size remember cards: "Which Call Is Worth More to Me — the Ego or the Holy Spirit?" and "There Is One Mind."

Required text: A Course in Miracles, Second or Third Edition, or the Web Edition published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

Order E-Course 912 Downloadable US$159.00 (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

Order Course 912 in a binder US$159.00 + shipping (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

More Reviews by Course 912 Participants (Click to view)

After completing Course 912, Accepting Holy Spirit's help, I have a better understanding of what exactly the Holy Spirit is, and on a deeper level, what His role is in my experience. Through ACIM I’ve recognized that Holy Spirit has been with me.. guiding me.. inspiring me.. my entire life; I just didn’t have ‘a name’ for that presence I felt.
I gained a more personal relationship/experience with Holy Spirit which prompts me and allows me to call on Him to help me see differently whenever my peace is disturbed. And He never fails to return my perspective to love so that I can return to peace!
Like every course I’ve taken in this series, each one takes me to a deeper level of understanding the concepts of ACIM more fully which then leads me to USING ACIM in my daily experience. I appreciate the tools I’ve acquired for maintaining my peace regardless of what’s going on around me.

This program strengthened my remembering to keep resigning myself (ego) as my teacher and to keep inviting the Holy Spirit to be my Teacher.

One of the most important lessons I learned is to leave correction to the Holy Spirit. I have had a strong habit of doing it on my own and I have not liked the results. I feel my motivation is stronger to step back, remember peace, and let the Holy Spirit make my daily decisions.

I really appreciated the processes, especially the one where I practiced seeing everyone in my life the way the Holy Spirit sees them. I see how closely Jesus will work with me, if I am open and receptive to a changed perception.

I wanted to strengthen my connection with the Holy Spirit, and by the level of peace and joy I feel now, I believe this has happened. I was particularly helped by the meditation Inviting Holy Spirit In. It makes it much easier to let go of the ego chatter, still my mind and listen.

913: Two Categories — Real… Unreal

913: Two Categories — Real... UnrealA Course in Miracles helps us understand that everything that is real is changeless and eternal. Everything that is real is the limitless, formless, Light of God and extends as one Light forever. Everything that is real is an extension of Love and remains in the Mind of God eternally. In reality, there is no time; there is no space. There are no bodies in a world of separation. Reality is our unity in Heaven. In God we are one Light, with no distance between us. Separation is just an unreal dream — a delusion of false perception. False perception originates from the desire or choice to be separate from the oneness of God. If we want to see individuality we will see it, but what we see will be illusions, not reality.

So our only real choice is between the real and the unreal. There are only two categories of seeing, and the world we see will reflect our choice. In this course you will practice choosing Heaven instead of hell. You will learn to recognize illusions for what they are and let them go, not out of sacrifice, but in the happy laughter of release with the Holy Spirit. We will accept the strength that God offers us, knowing that Heaven is what we really want, and that with God we cannot fail.

Materials included: Workbook • 2 audio meditations: "Accepting Your Inheritance" and "Finding the Door to the Real World" • Audio version of the complete ACIM Practitioner Course to further reinforce what you are learning • Laminated poster: "All Illusions of Differences Are Equally Unreal" • 3 remember cards titled, "Sharing the Resurrection of God's Son," "What Is the Source of This Thought?," and "True Forgiveness."

Required text: A Course in Miracles, Second or Third Edition, or the Web Edition published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

Order E-Course 913 Downloadable US$159.00 (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

Order Course 913 in a binder US$159.00 + shipping (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

More Reviews by Course 913 Participants (Click to view)

I see the importance of stopping and dropping what I am doing several times a day to experience the love, peace and joy of God. That will "prime the pump" so to speak and launch me into the great remembering on a consistent basis of what is Real. I gained a greater awareness of how important it is to remember that all my experiences are generated from the mind first.

I have only studied the course for a year, yet this course gave me the following insights: That the world of illusions and this physical world of form are merely created by our thoughts. I learned practical ways to apply the teachings of the Course in my life, such as how to go to Holy Spirit for guidance and how to recognize when a thought is from ego or Holy Spirit. Deep joy and love are to be found in Spirit, and all I need to do is to let go of my perceptions. When I see the ego at work, I now have the tools to see beyond it, to see through it to what is real, and what is not.

This course put into perspective years of ACIM study. It reminded me to ask the Holy Spirit for help and trust His guidance.

914: The Power of Gentleness and Patience

914: The Power of Gentleness and PatienceIn this course we will practice letting go of our grievances in order to return to our true Identity as Love, where gentleness and patience naturally reside. Remembering that there are just two states of mind, we will learn to ask ourselves, "Which state of mind am I in?" and "Am I thinking something other than Love is real?" and "What do I really want, to hold grievances or return to truth?"

Topics include: Seeing God in your brother • All attack is seen as merely meaningless • Gentleness and patience come with awakening to Truth • Seeing your brother's loveliness • Letting go of the past • Is my brother worthy of attack or love? • Remembering the separation never occurred • God's infinite patience is in you to receive and give • Why are gentleness and patience so powerful? • Feeling God's Love within you • The wish to see clearly brings the gift of Light • Allowing the characteristics of a teacher of God to be expressed through you.

Materials included: Workbook • 2 Audio meditations: "You Are Love" and "Love's Gentleness and Patience Holds Only to Truth" • Audio version of the complete ACIM Practitioner course to further reinforce what you are learning • Laminated poster: "My Prayer of Accepting Love's Gentleness & Patience" • 3 Laminated remember cards titled, "Right Now, What Am I?," "I Am as Love Created Me," and "God's Perfection Is All I Want to See."

Required text: A Course in Miracles, Second or Third Edition, or the Web Edition published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

Order E-Course 914 Downloadable US$159.00 (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

Order Course 914 in a binder US$159.00 + shipping (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

More Reviews by Course 914 Participants (Click to view)

I enjoyed this course immensely. Course 914 The Power Of Gentleness & Patience In separation I am lost. I am scared. I am lonely. I have answers that would harm me. These are of ego.I can choose another way. I can choose the mind of God through Jesus The Holy Spirit. I can make that choice literally at any time. Gentleness and Patience come from God. They are Truth. They are blessings.We are still as God created us. We are Love. ????

The most valuable thing I learned in this course is that what I see in others is really a part of me that I am seeing. I learned to look at forgiveness as "for giving," meaning that I need to give my love to someone for healing to take place.

Though I think I know, I am reminded at ever-deepening levels that I have been confused. I have listened to and been led by the ego. I am reminded to be gentle and patient with myself, and the Truth is right here again: That I am only Love, my brother is only Love and there is no harm.

This course is well laid out so I can really get it. I have also learned so much from the discussions and sharing. I am now more mindful of little grievances that come up and have the opportunity to heal them by taking them to Holy Spirit. The CD's are great to help me to remember to see through Holy Spirit's eyes.

915: Being a Messenger of Innocence and Unity

915: Being a Messenger of Innocence and UnityIn this world we don't often think that our purpose for being here is to be a messenger of innocence and unity. Many times we get side tracked with worldly purposes and forget the purpose God gave us. Our minds become engaged with what is not there. Our split minds limit our awareness to bodies and make what bodies say and do real. To the separated mind, it seems quite proper to judge everyone and everything in this world and take defensive steps to protect against an outside foe.

Topics include: Guilt causes the hallucination • Holy Spirit ends the hallucination • The ego is afraid of seeing innocence • Finding the place of truth in our brothers • In quiet I find the truth • Healing by bringing the quiet with me • Peace departs by thinking I know • I can choose peace today • Forgiveness looks with quiet eyes and sees the truth • What am I sharing, separation or oneness? • I am a messenger of truth • Accepting the power to lift the veil of falsehood • We return to Heaven together.

Materials included: Workbook • 2 audio meditations: "Letting Innocence & Unity Transform My Life" and "Bringing Peace and Quiet to Every Distress" • Audio version of the complete ACIM Practitioner course to further reinforce what you are learning • Laminated poster: "Finding My Brother's Innocence and Unity" • 2 Laminated pocket-size remember cards: "Today I Quiet My Mind & Listen," and "I Give Welcome to the Truth."

Required text: A Course in Miracles, Second or Third Edition, or the Web Edition published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

Order E-Course 915 Downloadable US$159.00 (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

Order Course 915 in a binder US$159.00 + shipping (includes fee for 5-6 hours with your Certified Mind Healing Partner).

More Reviews by Course 915 Participants (Click to view)

This was my second course through Pathways of Light and I'm looking forward to taking every one that they offer. I'm taking three at a time and I'm in bliss. - S.B.

I found this course so helpful in showing me I can have peace all the time and I can share that peace by seeing innocence in everyone. It is a good anchor, especially during this election cycle, to help me practice seeing innocence and unity in everyone. It showed me how to see love only in everyone by going to Holy Spirit and not letting my ego take over with illusions that could appear so real and frightening in unknown times. It taught me I live in the present with Holy Spirit and there is only love and unity in this space. -A.C.

This course was so gentle and yet its message was so powerful! In every moment and in every thought I am a messenger — the choice is, do I want to spread the ego's message of pain, harm and guilt, or do I want to be a messenger of innocence, love and unity? I loved the “Letting Innocence & Unity Transform My Life” meditation. What a great way to start the day. I really like that I can listen to it while I am getting ready in the morning or as I am driving to work.

I really saw how the whole ego thought system is based on guilt and how deep the layers are. Contrary to the ego's belief, innocence is strength; guilt is weakness. Each time I become aware of guilt, I can turn it over to the Holy Spirit to be healed. It is important to be patient with the process.

This course stimulated big motivation to make more room for Holy Spirit in my daily life. In practicing remembering peace frequently, I will build an ever-ready awareness of peace that will help me in any circumstance. I am grateful now that I am aware of the ego's chatter in my mind and know that I am not stuck with it. I can always give it to the Holy Spirit and let it go.

Courses 911-915 Discount Pkg. #3 — Save $25

Save $25 when you order Discount Pkg. #3. Includes the third set of five courses in the ACIM Practitioner series (911, 912, 913, 914 & 915).
Order Downloadable Pkg. #3 e-courses, after discount: $770
Order Pkg. #3 in binders, after discount: $770.00 + shipping

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Courses 916-920 »