Daily Inspiration

How to Have a Happy Day

The Holy Spirit, ever practical in His wisdom, accepts your dreams and uses them as means for waking. ²You would have used them to remain asleep. ³I said before that the first change, before dreams disappear, is that your dreams of fear are changed to happy dreams. ⁴That is what the Holy Spirit does in the special relationship. ⁵He does not destroy it, nor snatch it away from you. ⁶But He does use it differently, as a help to make His purpose real to you. ⁷The special relationship will remain, not as a source of pain and guilt, but as a source of joy and freedom. ⁸It will not be for you alone, for therein lay its misery. ⁹As its unholiness kept it a thing apart, its holiness will become an offering to everyone.

Your special relationship will be a means for undoing guilt in everyone blessed through your holy relationship. ²It will be a happy dream, and one which you will share with all who come within your sight. (A Course in Miracles, T-18.II.6:1–7:2. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)

Our dreams become happier as we let go of our judgments. Every judgment denies the Love that is the source of all joy. Today we can choose to let Love shine Its Light on all that we perceive. It will dispel the dark thoughts of separation, fear and guilt. It will reveal the Love that is present everywhere. The Love we are will joyfully join with the Love that is everywhere. We will remember that we are Love and nothing else. With this choice, we will have a happy day.

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