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Holy Spirit through Mary: Why wait for Heaven? Heaven is here. Heaven is now. You are innocent now and forever. You are in eternity, where you belong. Time is just an illusion. Once you realize it is just an illusion, you don’t take it so seriously. This opens the door to receive God’s constant flow of peace. You receive God’s peace as you are willing to allow your barriers to peace to gently fall away. It is your choice.
Let that time be now and you will be guided past the belief in time to God’s eternal Presence of Love. Whatever appears to be going on in your dream script, remember that you are eternally where God created you. You are eternally in Heaven and that means that you are in Heaven now, no matter what is happening in your dream script. Allow this remembering to return to your mind.
Robert: Today we were led to read “What is Death?” in the manual for Teachers. What stood out to me is that it said, “The end of death is the remembrance that God’s Son is guiltless. This is why forgiveness is the core of the A Course in Miracles curriculum. We cannot retain one wish that any image of separation be real and at the same time know our innocence. At its core, forgiveness is letting go of belief in separation. All thoughts of guilt, all judgments stem from the rejection of our oneness in God.
In daily practice this means I must let go of all judgments of anyone, anything or any circumstance. Being addicted to judgment (attached to the ego thought system), I am powerless to give up judgment on my own. I am deeply grateful that I have in my mind a “Sponsor” Who sees past all my self deceptions and my denial to the truth in me.
My job is moment by moment to turn over all my thoughts to the Holy Spirit within me, my Divine Sponsor. He will gladly take my insane thoughts and purify them, showing me their meaningless aspects and bringing to light the Love that is real. Through this process I learn to see the innocence of God’s Son. I learn to see my innocence. And I am able to greet every brother with an open heart and welcome him Home as we join together in our Home in God. Here we rest in peace and the exquisite joy of our oneness.
Today I dedicate to continuing the practice of taking all my thoughts to the Holy Spirit with an open heart and mind to receive His clear vision.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Robert: In our weekly ACIM meeting last night there was a lot of wonderful sharing that for me centered around accepting all my brothers as one with me. The thought that stood out to me most and that I carried with me is that I need to look at everyone with the thought “You are my brother. You bring me great joy.” The degree that I am able to see my brothers in that way determines the level of joy that I experience.
As I am able to see my brothers thus, every meeting becomes like a happy family reunion. No one can be excluded from my family if I am to experience fully God’s gift of joy. Any unhappiness I experience is the effect of having judged against something. It is these judgments I must offer to the Holy Spirit for Him to cleanse them of their littleness. The Holy Spirit will return to me the recognition of the grandeur that surrounds me and is in me as God’s Son. Oh happy day!
Mary: As I begin my day and go to the Holy Spirit for guidance, I am reminded to choose peace first and everything will come from there. It seems like there are so many things to do, where to start first? The Holy Spirit reminds me not to decide on my own. Holy Spirit reminds me that God is my strength and that vision is His gift. I will only receive His gift of vision if I step back and allow myself to be carried.
So many times I think I already know that I don’t ask. Today is my day to practice in stepping back and letting Holy Spirit lead the way all through the day. I am either choosing to see through the eyes of the Holy Spirit or through the ego. How I am feeling will tell me how I am choosing. Today I choose to have a happy day.
Sharyn: In this morning’s session with Spirit, I am guided to listen to Holy Spirit’s interpretation of what it means to go to Him with every situation, no matter how small it seems.
Holy Spirit through Sharyn: Interpretation is for Me to tell you the true meaning of every situation. You can not ever know on your own what is best for you. It is only My interpretation of everything that will give it meaning for you. Anything that you think you know is coming from the ego. Always come to Me for the interpretation.
The ego’s interpretation is always going to be like a foreign language to you that you do not know how to speak. Think of the job of an interpreter. When you do not know a certain language, you need to have an interpreter. The ego does not know the language of Love. That is why you need Me to be your Interpreter. I know the language of Love very well and I know that you are Love, even when you forget. You see whenever you ask a question to yourself, such as “Why did this happen to me? Or, what does this mean if this happens or that happens?” you are talking a foreign language. You cannot know the answers to any of those questions without My help.
Sometimes you may think you know what is best for your future, or that the picture should look like this or like that. But remember, if I have not interpreted your thoughts, they have no meaning. My answers to your requests will lead you always only to Love. Wouldn’t you rather listen to Love than to a foreign language you can’t even understand? Sometimes My interpretation of a situation or circumstance is completely different or much better than you could ever think of yourself. Remember, on your own you can do nothing.
You need Me as much as I need you. For if you don’t come to Me I have no one to interpret for. So you see, we need each other. God needs us to realize our oneness with Him. Through My constant interpretations of every situation, you will feel that oneness more and more each day. Let this be a day that you come to Me for interpretations of everything and every situation so that you can feel the grandeur of your oneness.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Robert: Today I dedicate to the practice of staying in the present moment and taking one step at a time. It is interesting that something so simple should seem so challenging. The strong habit of futurizing and planning sometimes seems irresistible. But I need to remember that this habit is interfering with my experience of the loving truth in me and everyone.
Love is now. Its not in the future because the future is unreal. Its not in the past because the past does not exist. Only Love is real and Love is now. Do I want to know God’s Love? If I do, then I need to stay present and take one step at a time following Holy Spirit’s lead.
I am grateful for the wonderful practice this move to Florida offers. Though I yield to the temptation to plan much of the time, I am still getting stronger at recognizing it and stepping back to the present. This is a path that leads to my happiness. Its a path that leads to full recognition of my unity with everyone and everything in Love. It is my path Home.
Mary: I dedicate this day to following Holy Spirit’s lead and to see the truth about every brother I see or even think of. That is a full time job. I can only do this if I am willing to stay in the present moment, step back and follow in quiet. I dedicate this day to this practice.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Holy Spirit through Robert: Vigilance is necessary because you have a well established habit of allowing your thoughts to meander aimlessly from one illusion to another. This undisciplined hallucinating mind interferes with your awareness of the Love that you are. While hallucinations do not change your reality, they do block your awareness of the reality that is all around you. Remember the body and the images the body shows you are hallucinations. Your belief that the body is real and what it shows you is real blocks you from the awareness of Love’s presence. Practice reminding yourself today with everything you perceive, “What I am seeing is not real.” Then ask, “Help me see the reality beyond the image.”
Do this often today and you will make giant strides toward Christ’s vision. With Christ’s vision the images become faint shadows and the Light of Love shines through to light your way. With Christ vision you will learn to recognize your Self in everyone, including you.
Holy Spirit through Mary: Love is. God is. This is the lesson that you must ultimately learn. The lesson you are learning is the truth. So it is your willingness to open to the truth that is either hindering you or paving the way to receive what is your true reality. Today ask yourself often, “This minute, right now, am I willing to be open to the truth?” Then hand your mind over to the Holy Spirit. Practice this as often as you can today. It is worth the effort.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Robert: Today we read Lesson 135 again. What stood out to me was: “We will be sure that everything we need is given us for our accomplishment of this today. We make no plans for how it will be done, but realize that our defenselessness is all that is required for the truth to dawn upon our minds with certainty.” Also, “All your defenses have been aimed at not receiving what you will receive today.”
Its becoming clear how addicted I am to planning. Maybe there should be another 12 step program, Planners Anonymous. When I really recognize planning as a defense, I realize that the world I see is the effect of not accepting God’s Plan and choosing my substitutes in Its place. God’s plan is simple: Be Love. Anything else is a fabrication made up by a deluded mind believing separation is real.
So how do I apply that in my daily activities? First I acknowledge that I believe separation is real (I am addicted to planning). That is why I see the world I see. Second I need the help of a power beyond the little self I think I am and I need to accept that help. Third I need to turn over all my attempts of planning to that Higher Power and make no plans or decisions on my own. I do this by maintaining my focus on the present moment.
Holy Spirit through Robert: Hold My hand today. Remember I am always with you. Remember My strength is yours. You need only accept it. Pause frequently today and remember Whose Hand you hold. Then open your mind to My guidance for your next step.
You are learning a new way to walk. Just as a toddler beginning to walk has to focus on each step, you need to focus on taking each step with Me. With practice taking every step with Me will be just as easy as walking is to you now. Be patient with yourself. This new way of walking is a walk to joy. It is worth your patience and attention. It is a gift beyond measure that you give yourself.
Holy Spirit through Mary: Right now, be open to remembering that you are eternal Spirit. Right now, be quiet and allow and practice opening to this truth about yourself. You are Mind joined with the one Mind of Love. Allow time to let this awareness sink in deeply. Let yourself feel the peace and contentment that comes with this remembering. You are eternal Spirit. Every brother you see in the dream is the same eternal Spirit. Give time to letting that sink in fully.
Now, from this place of remembering, look at your dream story. See that it is just a story and not your true reality because you are only eternal Spirit. You are not that body in the dream story. All your friends and relatives are not their dream story. Let this sink in. Feel the peace and inner calm that comes with this remembering.
All that is real is eternal Spirit. Let yourself soak in this. It is like soaking in Holy Spirit’s loving and peaceful Jacuzzi of remembering the truth. You relax deeply and feel the comforting presence of your inner Teacher helping you awaken still further to the truth. Give time for this right now. Then, as you go through your day, touch in again to this remembering. Feel the inner calm and peace. Let it help you keep your ship in calm harbors as you go through all the different parts of your day.
This will help you remember that I am with you all through your day. I can help you remember the truth. This willingness to remember the truth is an important part of the lessons I am teaching you. It will help you stay calm in the midst of the turmoil that may appear to show up in your dream. I am with you. Accept My help.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Mary: As I take time to quiet my mind and open to Spirit this morning, I am reminded how important it is to be in the present moment instead of jumping to the past or the future. In the present moment there is peace.
Spirit reminds me to let myself be carried instead of trying to plan on my own. As I continue to hand over my “life” to the Holy Spirit, He knows what to do with each moment. As I practice staying in the present moment, I am reminded of oneness and that I am one with every brother now, even though through the body’s eyes it looks like we are separate.
I see that my job today is to practice staying in the present moment and allow the miracle of remembering oneness to lead me. I need do nothing on my own. Spirit reminds me that this is what it means to be in a state of grace. This practice allows me to be open to receiving the truth and extending the truth of God’s Oneness. What could be more important than this?
Robert: I am reminded today to continue to practice pausing for peace and stay in the present moment.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Robert: Yesterday was a more peaceful day for me, even though it was physically very active. At the beginning of the day after we had taken time to attune to Holy Spirit, we made a brief to do list. Through the day that list served as a reference point to help me stay aligned with Holy Spirit’s plan. While everything I did was not on the list, I believe I generally stayed with His direction. The temptation can be to now say, “That worked very well so I’m going to start each day writing down the plan.”
I did have that thought but I realized this is a good example of the way ego works. It likes to set up rules based on its past learning. It does not feel safe in the present moment, for good reason. In the present moment the ego would simply cease to be. The ego’s sense of continuity comes with repeating the past. So I need to be wary of deciding that what worked one day for one circumstance will work every day. Once again I need to be vigilant to consistently step back and open my mind to Holy Spirit’s lead.
Mary: Recently we have been looking on the Internet at locations just south of the Orlando airport that have 2.5-5 acres. There seems to be a lot of reasonably priced property there. We need adequate parking space, a print room for production of the quarterly Miracles News and course production and 2 offices for computers and office manager. We also need a “great room” for ACIM gatherings/service/ and where we can video workshops and at least three bedrooms for four us to live. Near Orlando we would be close to the airport for people to fly in, and have plenty of hotels available for people to stay. I have also been told that the Orlando and surrounding areas have an abundance of Spanish speaking people. We have plenty of time to look because there is still much to do in the renovation process here in Wisconsin. We are continuing to choose peace and let ourselves be led day by day.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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