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The holy relationship is the expression of the holy instant in living in this world. Like everything about salvation, the holy instant is a practical device, witnessed to by its results. The holy instant never fails. The experience of it is always felt. Yet without expression it is not remembered.
The holy relationship, a major step toward the perception of the real world, is learned. It is the old, unholy relationship, transformed and seen anew. The holy relationship is a phenomenal teaching accomplishment. In all its aspects, as it begins, develops and becomes accomplished, it represents the reversal of the unholy relationship. Be comforted in this; the only difficult phase is the beginning. For here, the goal of the relationship is abruptly shifted to the exact opposite of what it was. This is the first result of offering the relationship to the Holy Spirit, to use for His purposes.
Throughout the Sonship is the song of freedom heard, in joyous echo of your choice. You have joined with many in the holy instant, and they have joined with you. Think not your choice will leave you comfortless, for God Himself has blessed your holy relationship. Join in His blessing, and withhold not yours upon it. For all it needs now is your blessing [appreciation], that you may see that in it rests salvation. Condemn salvation not, for it has come to you. And welcome [salvation] together, for it has come to join you and your brother together in a relationship in which all the Sonship is together blessed. (A Course in Miracles, T-17.V.1:1-5;2;10. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)
The Holy Spirit’s purpose is to teach us that our true Self is God’s Son. This Self is shared with every brother. The holy instant is the experience of oneness. It is the instant of awareness that only Love’s unity is real. Typically, the feeling of this experience is beyond words to describe, for its seems beyond this world. In the world we experience through the body, it is difficult to maintain awareness of the holy instant.
The holy relationship is the means the Holy Spirit uses to teach us that we remain united in God’s Love. That is His goal for the relationship. The holy relationship is a laboratory to practice applying the Holy Spirit’s interpretation to our experiences in the relationship. Through the daily practice of accepting Holy Spirit’s perception in place of our own, we progressively learn that perceived differences do not really exist.
As we let go of the perception of differences, the conflicts experienced in the unholy relationship fade away. More and more we find that we share a common Spirit of Love. We appreciate the Love in our brother and join with him instead of trying to maintain separate goals. This is the journey of the holy relationship. At the journey’s end, we see and know that only Love is real. Nothing else matters. We join with our brothers as God’s one Son in the Heaven of His Love.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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Hear, holy Son of God, your Father speak. His Voice would give to you His holy Word, to spread across the world the tidings of salvation and the holy time of peace. We gather at the throne of God today, the quiet place within the mind where He abides forever, in the holiness that He created and will never leave.
He has not waited until you return your mind to Him to give His Word to you. He has not hid Himself from you, while you have wandered off a little while from Him. He does not cherish the illusions which you hold about yourself. He knows His Son, and wills that he remain as part of Him regardless of his dreams; regardless of his madness that his will is not his own.
[God] speaks from nearer than your heart to you. His Voice is closer than your hand. His Love is everything you are and that He is; the same as you, and you the same as He.
It is your voice to which you listen as He speaks to you. It is your word He speaks. It is the Word of freedom and of peace, of unity of will and purpose, with no separation nor division in the single Mind of Father and of Son. In quiet listen to your Self today, and let Him tell you God has never left His Son, and you have never left your Self. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 125, W-pI.125.4-5;7:2-8:4. See also ACIM Lesson 125 Insights.)
When we listen to God’s Voice, we are listening to the voice of our true Self. Our Self, God’s Son, is one and the same as God. We share all of God’s attributes. Our Self is Love and nothing else because our Self remains one with our Creator. To see the world truly, we must use the vision of our Self, which does not use the body’s eyes. This is how we see the forgiven world, the real world, because only Love is real. Forgiveness removes the barriers to the awareness of Love’s presence.
We commit to keeping our mind open to the voice of our true Self that we may bring messages of Love to the world. This is how we bring peace to a world of seeming conflict. This is how we bring the healing balm of Love to a world of seeming pain and fear. This is how we awaken to our true Self.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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What I see now are but signs of disease, disaster and death. This cannot be what God created for His beloved Son. The very fact that I see such things is proof that I do not understand God. Therefore I also do not understand His Son. What I see tells me that I do not know who I am. I am determined to see the witnesses to the truth in me, rather than those which show me an illusion of myself.
To me, the purpose of everything is to prove that my illusions about myself are real. It is for this purpose that I attempt to use everyone and everything. It is for this that I believe the world is for. Therefore I do not recognize its real purpose. The purpose I have given the world has led to a frightening picture of it. Let me open my mind to the world’s real purpose by withdrawing the one I have given it, and learning the truth about it. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 55, W-pI.55.1:2-7;5:2-7. See also ACIM Lesson 55 Insights.)
The ego’s purpose for the world is to make separation seem real. This can only be done with illusions, which need constant “evidence” to keep us convinced that illusions are real. The Holy Spirit gives the world its real purpose — to bring forgiveness to every perception in the world. When this perception is complete, the world will simply cease to seem to exist. Forgiveness is the means to undo all the ego’s illusions that would teach us we are alone, separate, limited and weak.
Today we choose the Holy Spirit’s lessons that teach us only Love is real. His lessons help us remove our self-made barriers that hide the reality of Love. As we accept the Holy Spirit’s way of seeing, we see a world united in Love.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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Here [in the body] does [the ego] hide, and here it can be seen as what it is. Declare your innocence and you are free. The body disappears, because you have no need of it except the need the Holy Spirit sees. For this, the body will appear as useful form for what the mind must do. It thus becomes a vehicle which helps forgiveness be extended to the all-inclusive goal that it must reach, according to God’s plan.
Be free today. And carry freedom as your gift to those who still believe they are enslaved within a body. Be you free, so that the Holy Spirit can make use of your escape from bondage, to set free the many who perceive themselves as bound and helpless and afraid. Let love replace their fears through you. Accept salvation now, and give your mind to Him Who calls to you to make this gift to Him. For He would give you perfect freedom, perfect joy, and hope that finds its full accomplishment in God.
And God Himself extends His Love and happiness each time you say:
I am not a body. I am free.
I hear the Voice that God has given me,
and it is only this my mind obeys. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 199, W-pI.199.4;7;8:6-9A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 199, )
Atonement is reached when forgiveness is complete with no exceptions. This is the purpose of all the lessons our inner Teacher brings to us. The Light the Holy Spirit brings into our mind reveals the perfect innocence in everyone, for nothing has occurred to change God’s Creation.
As we accept the idea that we are not a body, we step back from belief in the ego thought system of separation. We free ourselves from belief in separation which limits us to a separate identity, disconnected from the world.
As we let the Holy Spirit be our Guide in all things, the body becomes an instrument for teaching that only innocence is true. Only Love is real. There is nothing else. Free of identification with the image of a body, we are free to experience the joy of our unity in Love.
Today we remind ourselves that we are free to accept Love as our Identity.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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Communication is not limited to the small range of channels the world recognizes. If it were, there would be little point in trying to teach salvation. It would be impossible to do so. The limits the world places on communication are the chief barriers to direct experience of the Holy Spirit, Whose Presence is always there and Whose Voice is available but for the hearing. These limits are placed out of fear, for without them the walls that surround all the separate places of the world would fall at the holy sound of His Voice. Who transcends these limits in any way is merely becoming more natural. He is doing nothing special, and there is no magic in his accomplishments.
The seemingly new abilities that may be gathered on the way can be very helpful. Given to the Holy Spirit, and used under His direction, they are valuable teaching aids. To this, the question of how they arise is irrelevant. The only important consideration is how they are used.
The Holy Spirit needs these gifts, and those who offer them to Him and Him alone go with Christ’s gratitude upon their hearts, and His holy sight not far behind. (A Course in Miracles, M-25.2:2-3:4;6:9)
In the oneness of Love there is constant extension of Love. This eternal flow is true communication — communion with the whole of Love. This is our natural state.
The ego denies this constant flow of Love because it is only through this denial that separation seems real. When we accept the ego thought system of separation, we accept its limits on Love and Its expression. As we heal our minds by letting go of belief in separation, our limits on Love’s flow diminish. We become more and more aware of Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance in our minds.
Salvation is the release of all limitation and the return to the remembrance of Who we are. As we lay down the limits of the ego, we experience greater and greater connection with our brothers. The limits the body places on communication are released. We become more and more open to joining at the level of mind. Our unity becomes clearer. The vision of Christ, Which sees only the Truth in every brother, begins to supersede what the body’s eyes show us. Let us welcome Christ’s vision today.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false. Every illusion is one of fear, whatever form it takes. And the attempt to escape from one illusion into another must fail. If you seek love outside yourself you can be certain that you perceive hatred [separation] within, and are afraid of it. Yet peace will never come from the illusion of love, but only from its reality.
Recognize this, for it is true, and truth must be recognized if it is to be distinguished from illusion: The special love relationship is an attempt to bring love into separation. And, as such, it is nothing more than an attempt to bring love into fear [separation], and make it real in fear.
No specialness can offer you what God has given, and what you are joined with Him in giving.
Across the bridge [from separation to oneness] is your completion, for you will be wholly in God, willing for nothing special, but only to be wholly like to Him, completing Him by your completion. Fear not to cross to the abode of peace and perfect holiness. Only there is the completion of God and of His Son established forever. Seek not for [completion] in the bleak world of illusion, where nothing is certain and where everything fails to satisfy. In the Name of God, be wholly willing to abandon all illusions. In any relationship in which you are wholly willing to accept completion, and only this, there is God completed, and His Son with Him. (A Course in Miracles, T-16.IV.6:1-7:2;8:7-9:6. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)
God/Love gave us all of Itself in our creation. The ego is the wish for more than all of God’s Love. It is the wish to be different and special. This could only seem to be accomplished in illusion, since only the oneness of Love is real. Differences and oneness cannot coexist.
We were created one with all of Love, wholly complete. Our sense of incompletion comes with believing that separation is real. This belief leads to searching for completion. Special love is an attempt to find completion, but it never satisfies. Completion cannot be found in the illusion of separation.
We can remember that we are wholly complete only by seeking out all our thoughts and beliefs that make separation seem real. The Holy Spirit in our minds is there to help us recognize our mistaken beliefs in separation and let them go. The practice of bringing all our perceptions to the Holy Spirit for His interpretation will transform the barriers we have made into bridges to remembering we are whole and complete in God’s Love.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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Let this day be a day of stillness and of quiet listening. Your Father wills you hear His Word today. He calls to you from deep within your mind where He abides. Hear Him today. No peace is possible until His Word is heard around the world; until your mind, in quiet listening, accepts the message that the world must hear to usher in the quiet time of peace.
This world will change through you. No other means can save it, for God’s plan is simply this: The Son of God is free to save himself, given the Word of God to be his Guide, forever in his mind and at his side to lead him surely to his Father’s house by his own will, forever free as God’s. He is not led by force, but only love. He is not judged, but only sanctified.
Only be quiet. You will need no rule but this, to let your practicing today lift you above the thinking of the world, and free your vision from the body’s eyes. Only be still and listen. You will hear the Word in which the Will of God the Son joins in his Father’s Will, at one with it, with no illusions interposed between the wholly indivisible and true. As every hour passes by today, be still a moment and remind yourself you have a special purpose for this day; in quiet to receive the Word of God. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 125, W-pI.125.1-2;9. See also ACIM Lesson 125 Insights.)
Today is traditionally celebrated as the day of Jesus’ birth. Christianity identifies Jesus as Christ. A Course in Miracles teaches us that he is, indeed, Christ, along with all of us as God’s one Son. Christ is the symbol of our one true Self, the Self that remains united with our Creator, forever Love and forever loving.
Christ is reborn each time we let judgments go and accept our true Self as our identity. Christ represents the part of our mind that knows and sees only innocence.
Let this day and every day be dedicated to honor the Christ in everyone. The vision of Christ does not use the body’s eyes. Rather, the vision of Christ sees through the truth in our minds to recognize Christ’s innocence in everyone, everywhere, without limit. This is how we welcome the birth of Christ in us.
© 2017, Pathways of Light.
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