Daily Inspiration for Living A Course in Miracles


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Awaken from Time to the Timelessness of Love

Your Self retains Its Thoughts, and they remain within your mind and in the Mind of God. The Holy Spirit holds salvation in your mind, and offers it the way to peace. Salvation is a thought you share with God, because His Voice accepted it for you and answered in your name that it was done.

Salvation comes from this one Self through Him Who is the Bridge between your mind and It. Wait patiently, and let Him speak to you about your Self, and what your mind can do, restored to It and free to serve Its Will.

Begin with saying this:

Salvation comes from my one Self. Its Thoughts are mine to use.

Your Self will welcome [your mind] and give it peace. Re­stored in strength, it will again flow out from spirit to the spirit in all things created by the Spirit as Itself. Your mind will bless all things. Confusion done, you are restored, for you have found your Self. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 96, W-pI.96.7:1-3;8:3-9:3;10:2-5. See also ACIM Lesson 96 Insights.)

The ego is always impatient. Time is one of its principal mechanisms for making separation seem real. In its thought system, time is wasted if we are not doing “something.” Its only use for time is to retain illusionary memories of the past, which it uses to cover over the eternal Present and project a future like the past. The ego never wants us to wait patiently to hear the Voice of God. Impatience is its defense against the timelessness of Love.

In this world the Holy Spirit uses time for a different purpose. When we are willing to pause and wait patiently to receive His guidance, we are led on a joyful journey of awakening. We are guided to remember the one and only Thought we share with God—the Thought of Love. This is our awakening to salvation. Acceptance of Love is acceptance of timelessness. It frees us from the ego’s tyranny of time and its thought system of separation.

Let’s use time today for the Holy Spirit’s purpose by pausing frequently to listen for His Voice and let the Thought of Love be restored to our mind.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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In Quietness We Remember Love

This is a day of stillness and of peace.

Christ’s vision looks through me today. His sight shows me all things forgiven and at peace, and offers this same vision to the world. And I accept this vision in its name, both for myself and for the world as well. What loveliness we look upon today! What holiness we see surrounding us! And it is given us to recognize it is a holiness in which we share; it is the Holiness of God Himself.

This day my mind is quiet, to receive the Thoughts You offer me. And I accept what comes from You, instead of from myself. I do not know the way to You. But You are wholly certain. Father, guide Your Son along the quiet path that leads to You. Let my forgiveness be complete, and let the memory of You return to me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 291, W-pII.291. See also ACIM Lesson 291 Insights.)

The ego is arrogant. It believes it has a better idea for what will bring us happiness than God does. Yet nothing the ego offers is real because it denies Love. And only God’s Love is real.

All we really want and need is God’s Love. We don’t seem to have His Love while we identify with the ego. In the ego’s world, we yearn for Love. The ego sends us on fruitless searches in the world where Love cannot be found. Yet we carry God’s Love with us wherever we go. We have not lost It. We have only let the ego hide It with its illusions.

We can remember God’s Love by returning to the stillness and peace within. This is where we will find the Love we never lost but forgot we have. In stillness, God’s Voice speaks to us. It guides to where Love is found — in the truth within our mind.

Today we call upon God’s peace. In quietness we welcome His Love. We let Love’s vision show us the Love that surrounds us and unites us with everyone.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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God Wills We Have All His Love

Salvation is my only function here.
God still is Love, and this is not His Will.

Your Father loves you. All the world of pain is not His Will. Forgive yourself the thought He wanted this for you. Then let the Thought with which He has replaced all your mistakes enter the darkened places of your mind that thought the thoughts that never were His Will.

This part belongs to God, as does the rest. It does not think its solitary thoughts, and make them real by hiding them from Him. Let in the light, and you will look upon no obstacle to what He wills for you. Open your secrets to His kindly light, and see how bright this light still shines in you.

It is God’s Will your mind be one with His. It is God’s Will that He has but one Son. It is God’s Will that His one Son is you. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 99, W-pI.99.6:7-8;7:3-8:4;9:3-4. See also ACIM Lesson 99 Insights.)

Whenever our peace is disturbed, we need to remind ourselves “God is still Love, and this is not His Will.” This Thought is the antidote that heals all the ego’s illusions that make a loveless world where fear and guilt seem justified and real. Every apprehension is resolved by this one Thought.

Frequently affirming this Thought throughout the day will release us from the dream of separation from God. It brings the Light of Love to shine upon the ego’s dark thoughts. Fear can only be justified in illusions. The reality of Love always dispels illusions of fear.

To fulfill our function here, we practice remembering this important Thought. It will free us from the dream and return us to the remembrance that we are safe at Home as God’s one Son.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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The Way to Awaken to Love

Communication is not limited to the small range of channels the world recognizes. If it were, there would be little point in trying to teach salvation. It would be impossible to do so. The limits the world places on communication are the chief barriers to direct experience of the Holy Spirit, Whose Presence is always there and Whose Voice is available but for the hearing. These limits are placed out of fear, for without [these limits] the walls that surround all the separate places of the world would fall at the holy sound of His Voice. Who transcends these limits in any way is merely becoming more natural. He is doing nothing special, and there is no magic in his accomplishments.

The seemingly new abilities that may be gathered on the way can be very helpful. Given to the Holy Spirit, and used under His direction, they are valuable teaching aids. To this, the question of how they arise is irrelevant. The only important consideration is how they are used. (A Course in Miracles, M-25.2:2-3:2)

The Holy Spirit will communicate to us through whatever form we are willing to accept His guidance. Sometimes it comes to us in what appears to be coincidental encounters or events. Sometimes we may stumble upon a book that catches our attention which delivers an insight we need. Insights may come in a conversion.

Ultimately it is possible to receive His inspiration directly in our mind. This occurs when we are willing to let down the walls we have built in our mind against His communication. As we practice forgiveness, these walls diminish, for judgment is the ego’s chief defense against the Holy Spirit’s messages of Love and oneness.

Beginning our day with the dedication to following the Holy Spirit’s lead helps clear our communication with Him. We reinforce our dedication to being willing to follow by stepping back from our judgments and perceptions. We pause to let peace return to our awareness. We welcome Love’s Light to shine upon our perceptions and show us the way of Love. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to guide us every step of the way to awaken in Love.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Remembering Who Walks With Me

I walk with God in perfect holiness.

You cannot walk the world apart from God, because you could not be without Him. He is what your life is. Where you are He is. There is one life. That life you share with Him. Nothing can be apart from Him and live.

There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you.

This is the way salvation works. As you step back, the light in you steps forward and encompasses the world.

Who walks with me?” This question should be asked a thousand times a day, till certainty has ended doubting and estab­lished peace. Today let doubting cease. God speaks for you in answering your question with these words:

I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all the minds which God created one with me. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 156, W-pI.156.3:4-9;4:1;6:1-2;8. See also ACIM Lesson 156 Insights.)

Despite the ego’s efforts to convince us otherwise, we do not walk alone in a loveless world. We were created as a Thought in the Mind of Love. We remain eternally in the Love that created us. Love is our Home and our Life. What is not Love does not exist. Only in dreams can we seem to be in a loveless world where everything is different and separate.

Though we believe this world is our home, we have never left the Love that created us. Today we remind ourselves frequently that Love walks with us in every moment. Love fills our mind and unites us with the Love in the mind of every brother. Love brings us comfort when we forget and engage in the ego’s denial of Love.

The Life we live in God remains untouched by our chaotic dreams. We can remember our safety by stepping back a moment from our engagement in the world and remind ourself, “I walk with God in perfect peace.”

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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Being a Messenger of Love

We walk to God. Pause and reflect on this. Could any way be holier, or more deserving of your effort, of your love and of your full intent? What way could give you more than everything, or offer less and still content the holy Son of God? We walk to God. The truth that walks before us now is one with Him, and leads us to where He has always been. What way but this could be a path that you would choose instead?

Your feet are safely set upon the road that leads the world to God. Look not to ways that seem to lead you elsewhere. Dreams are not a worthy guide for you who are God’s Son. Forget not He has placed His Hand in yours, and given you your brothers in His trust that you are worthy of His trust in you. He cannot be deceived. His trust has made your pathway certain and your goal secure. You will not fail your brothers nor your Self.

And now He asks but that you think of Him a while each day, that He may speak to you and tell you of His Love, reminding you how great His trust; how limitless His Love. In your Name and His Own, which are the same, we practice gladly with this thought today:

I will step back and let Him lead the way,
For I would walk along the road to Him.
(A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 155, W-pI.155.12-14. See also ACIM Lesson 155 Insights.)

The ego is the idea of wanting to be independent and in charge of his own “destiny.” It does not tell you its destiny is hell, complete isolation and lack of Love. It hides this fact beneath appealing projected images that seem to offer possibilities of happiness, pleasure and safety. But these images only reinforce the belief that separation and lack of Love are real. No relief or happiness it seems to offer lasts.

Our only satisfaction comes with fulfilling the purpose God gave us—to extend Love and nothing else. When we let Love guide all our words and actions, we become messengers of Love in the world. The Love we are joins with the Love that is the truth in every brother. This joining fulfills our purpose to extend Love and join with God’s creation. This is how we walk with God. When we walk in Love, we are joined with our brothers in God’s Love. Let’s do it together.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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How to Live in Happiness and Love

We ask for rest today, and quietness unshaken by the world’s appearances. We ask for peace and stillness, in the midst of all the turmoil born of clashing dreams. We ask for safety and for happiness, although we seem to look on danger and on sorrow.

“I rest in God.” This thought will bring to you the rest and quiet, peace and stillness, and the safety and the happiness you seek. “I rest in God.” This thought has power to wake the sleep­ing truth in you, whose vision sees beyond appearances to that same truth in everyone and everything there is.

This is the day of peace. You rest in God, and while the world is torn by winds of hate your rest remains completely undis­turbed. Yours is the rest of truth.

In Him you have no cares and no concerns, no burdens, no anxiety, no pain, no fear of future and no past regrets. In time­lessness you rest, while time goes by without its touch upon you, for your rest can never change in any way at all. (A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 109, W-pI.109.1:1-3;2:1-4;4:1-3;5:1-2. See also ACIM Lesson 109 Insights.)

When we remember our unbreakable unity with God, no appearances in the world can disturb our peace. Vigilance to frequently remind ourselves that we rest in God promises certainty of our safety and a life of happiness and Love. It’s worth the effort.

Let’s join together in this vigilance to do our part to bring peace to the world.

© 2021, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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