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Robert: There seem to be more unknowns than ever. It is still clear that Holy Spirit’s direction is for us to move to Florida. But when and to where in Florida is up in the air. We’ve done a lot of clearing, which has felt good and helpful. It seems that its helpful to do some renovating of the house which has 30 year old carpeting and hasn’t been painted in 20 years. But how far it would be helpful to go with the renovation is not clear.
There are so many options that would seem to make the house more appealing to a buyer. It seems easy to get caught up in all the options for upgrading. It doesn’t take long to spend many thousands of dollars. I know that what is in Holy Spirit’s plan will be provided for. I also know that the ego wants to make lack real and one way it makes lack real is to spend money on things of no value. So to me it is very important that I stay attuned to the Holy Spirit’s plan. Right now that plan seems very vague in the details. I want only to follow Holy Spirit’s plan.
Holy Spirit through Robert: You are afraid of making a mistake. This is an ego ploy to immobilize you and keep a barrier against My Voice. I see every moment as an opportunity to teach only Love. I see every moment as an opportunity to teach you of your innocence, while the ego would teach you of your guilt. I am not concerned when you add your own interpretation to My guidance. I have absolute certainty that you can neither be harmed nor harm in truth. Your daily practice of renewing your openness to the My lead keeps you from going too far off course into lack or pain. It is this practice that will continue to bring you to greater, more consistent levels of peace.
Do not be in a hurry. One step at a time. One step at a time. This cannot be too often repeated. One step at a time. Keep this little mantra in your mind through the day and especially when you go shopping. It is easy to jump into the future when you are shopping, it seems. Remind yourself, one step at a time. You tell yourself, “We just drove 30 miles. We’ve got to make this trip count.” That is an ego based thought of lack. Hold that point of reference, one step at a time. With that mantra, you will not overextend yourself. And more importantly, you will not stress yourself by trying to make up plans about an unknown future.
There are many pieces of which you are unaware that are being moved into place in perfect timing. Keep your focus on one step at a time and you will find yourself walking quietly and peacefully with your mighty companions. Together it will always be a happy journey.
Mary: Yesterday the Weather Bureau predicted up to eight inches of snow for Sunday. So yesterday we went shopping for paint supplies, groceries and a small mobile computer desk. Because yesterday was a sunny day, the stores were packed with people getting supplies before the next storm. We have had a lot of snow this winter, more than we have seen in the 20 years we have been here. Right now we are getting sleet and freezing rain. It’s a good day to be quiet and take one day at a time with what’s right before me. Today is a good day to catch up on translation work.
Holy Spirit: Right now, it is helpful to remember the holy instant where everything remains the same eternally. In your dream world, everything is in a state of flux and change, which causes you to feel uncertain about how it’s going to all work out. In times of great change it is more important than ever to return often to your place of inner quiet, that place that is eternal and never changes. This is your real Home. It is helpful to remember your eternal Spirit and feel Its constant steady peace and inner joy. Let yourself rest there a while frequently.
When you go back to the world, you can bring that feeling of calm inner peace with you. It will help you stay on track and deal more easily with the dream story of change. Let the feeling of present confidence that I bring you carry you through your day in peace. Though it may not look like it from the world’s perspective, all is very, very well. You and everyone in this dream world are safe at Home in Heaven. All are eternally innocent. All are eternally safe. All are eternally Home. Let yourself soak in this happy remembering. It will bring you peace. It will bring you understanding. It will bring you happiness.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Mary: I think I underestimated the amount we would have to clear out. Right now it seems massive. Yet if we take it day by day, doing a little every day, it will get done. It really does feel good to lighten up on “stuff.” The lesson I am learning right now is to handle this new opportunity with gentleness and peace. I find myself wanting to have this done now. This just puts pressure on myself and it isn’t helpful.
This morning we read in Chapter 12, Section II of A Course in Miracles, “The Way to Remember God.” An important sentence that stood out to me is, “Learn to be quiet in the midst of turmoil, for quietness is the end of strife and this is the journey to peace. Look straight at every image that rises to delay you, for the goal is inevitable because it is eternal. The goal of Love is but your right, and it belongs to you despite your dreams.” (T-12.II.5:5-7)
The last few days have been very strenuous physically for me and I have had trouble dealing with it. This message of learning to be quiet in the midst of turmoil is helping me to return to that place of quiet where the Holy Spirit resides. As I give time to quiet I will be directed truly, I will feel at peace.
Holy Spirit: Allow time for quiet listening. That is how your clear out all the images that arise to delay you. Look at those images with Me. I will show you what is important and what is unimportant. Let us stay in the present moment together. There we will find certainty which will replace all your doubts and fears. Together we will find peace and joy.
Robert: The sentence that stood out to me in the section we read today was, “We are therefore embarking on an organized, well-structured and carefully planned program aimed at learning how to offer to the Holy Spirit everything you do not want.” Again I am seeing how what I am doing in the physical symbolizes what I am doing and need to do in my mind. We are looking at our “stuff” and deciding if it serves us or not. What no longer serves us we are letting go.
This process is easier when I stay in peace because I am allowing myself to receive Holy Spirit’s guidance. If I think I know what anything means, I am likely to make evaluations based on my past learning. Since the Course tells me that my past learning has taught me nothing, this is not a very good way to make a decision. So I am likely to keep things based on false values and they will be a burden rather than a help.
The same thing happens at the level of the mind. If I give false value to thoughts and beliefs, I will not be receptive to Holy Spirit’s kind and loving evaluation. In effect, I hide those thoughts and beliefs I value from the Holy Spirit so I will not receive His gentle correction. So those treasured beliefs are hidden away in closets and dark corners, cherished for meaningless reasons but held on to as though my life depended on them.
So now I see that this exercise in moving is part of Holy Spirit’s well organized training program to help me practice bringing everything I do not want to the Holy Spirit. I am in deep gratitude. I feel in my heart that this process with the Holy Spirit is bringing profound healing to my mind that goes far deeper than my conscious awareness. Many dark corners of well hidden beliefs are being cleared away. Oh happy day!
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Robert: Today we read Lesson 153 again. Two sentences stood out to me. “Defenselessness is strength. It testifies to recognition of the Christ in you.” The Christ in me is the Self that sees truly and does not believe in any image or thought of separation. It is strong because it gives no credence to the false images of the world. Having no substance of their own, these false images have no power to disturb the calm and quiet Mind of Christ.
If anything disturbs me, I have turned my back on the Christ Mind and bought into the belief that something external to me has power to harm me. This can only mean that it is time for me to step back and pause for peace. I need to remember Christ is in me and is my strength. When I return to the Christ Mind, I once again see only innocence. I know that there is no “other out there.”
Another thought that stood out to me was, “You will not see the light, until you offer it to all your brothers.” I offer the light to my brothers be seeing with Christ vision which shows me their innocence. As I see their innocence I recognize my own and see the light in me. Today is another wonderful day which offers me the opportunity to practice seeing only innocence. What a blessing!
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Mary: As we read lesson 135 today, what stood out to me is, “This is a special day of learning.” This reminds me that I am in Holy Spirit’s school and that the purpose of the world is to wake up from the dream, not make it more real in my mind.
With all this clearing out and the physical labor that goes with it, the world has seemed very real. The bags going to the trash seemed very heavy. That is why in this process, I need to remember again and again, my true purpose as I let the Holy Spirit be my Guide, and that is to wake up from the dream. When I do remember this, it is easier to be reminded by the Holy Spirit that I am in Heaven now and I am as God created me. I am not weak and vulnerable, like the ego story always tries to demonstrate.
I am in Holy Spirit’s wake up school. I need to ask myself with whatever I am doing, “Am I using this to wake up from the dream or to reinforce the dream?” If I see that I am reinforcing the dream’s seeming reality, then I have reverted back to following the ego’s plan. With Holy Spirit, everything will be used for the purpose of helping me and all my brothers wake up. That includes the process of getting the house ready for sale. So today I will remember that today is a special day of learning from the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit through Sharyn: As you go through your day today be aware of the feeling of “being carried.” Be aware also as you go through your day of not making plans for one single thing. For you see, it is when you plan and then something gets in the way of those plans, that you feel you need to defend. Therefore if you make no plans, there is no need to defend.
Allow Me to make all the plans. Come to Me every hour today and ask of Me what is to come for the next hour. Do this and you will be very happy and glad when you see all that you accomplish. And it will be accomplished in ease. You will be told and directed of every move today by Me if you just remember to come to Me. A healed mind does not plan. A healed mind knows and trusts in Me. A healed mind has been trained to let go of the world and to let God show you the way. Walk in beauty today as you are aware every minute that you are being carried and you need do nothing. I have taken care of everything for you. Just follow My plans. Good day.
Robert: Yesterday we had an appointment with a Realtor for him to present a listing contract. We decided to cancel the appointment because we realized we weren’t ready and to sign a listing contract now would create a sense of pressure. When we made that decision, it was like a weight of urgency was lifted. I was reminded again that a sense of urgency is a sure sign of being involved in an ego plan.
We will continue to proceed in the direction of selling the property. But this decision has lifted the self-made plans to make room once again for Holy Spirit’s plan. It is clear to me that all the meetings that we had with various Realtors were part of Holy Spirit’s plan. Many blessings were given and received, but it was important to recognize when we had added our own meaning to the process. Just because the usual next step with a Realtor would be to list the property doesn’t mean the Holy Spirit is limited to that expectation. It is a good reminder once again of the importance of checking in with Holy Spirit every step of the way. Holy Spirit’s plan is always gentle, patient and peaceful.
Peace, peace, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is to follow Holy Spirit’s plan!
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Mary: Amidst all of this clearing out, I need to remember that only God is real. It is the Holy Spirit That shows me the difference between what is real and what is unreal. What is real is eternal and never changes. That is why I am safe, no matter what story shows up in the dream of separate bodies. It is helpful for me to remember that this is a dream. That helps me not take it so seriously.
My job today is to step back and pause for peace again and again and again. This is my practice for today. This is my lab time. I cannot hear Holy Spirit’s inspiration unless I pause for peace because peace and understanding go together and are never found alone.
Robert: My mind is filled with questions and doubts. This is a sure sign that I am entertaining the ego. It’s having a party in my mind. I keep the ego as a guest by believing in a separate identity. With that belief, doubt is inevitable because it is a belief in what could never be true. Doubt could never come from the Self I share with God. This Self shares God’s certainty. It shares God’s changelessness. So the doubts that swirl in my mind are just an indication that I need to refocus my attention on peace and opening my mind to Holy Spirit.
Grabbing hold of the doubts and trying to find answers to the questions they foster is a hopeless effort. The ego has no answers that could possibly lead to freedom and peace. Holy Spirit is the Answer to all the confusion that comes from the one insane thought that I could separate from Love. I need to look where the answer can be found and nowhere else.
Holy Spirit: No matter what doubts you may experience, I know What you are. I see you as you were created and so I have just one judgment of you: You are innocent. It does not matter that you seem to get lost in the insanity of the ego. Your innocence remains untouched. I am here to help you recognize that and to see it in all your brothers, for the Self that you are you share with all. Be gentle with yourself. The ego would teach you that you are unworthy and without hope. I teach that you are wholly deserving of all God gives, which is all of Himself.
So when doubts arise, see them simply as reminders to return to peace and open your mind to My vision. This practice will clear your mind of the clutter that interferes with your recognition of your complete support in Love. As you clear away the clutter, doubts are cleared away with it. In the dream of form, the reflection of the clarity in your mind will be clear. Follow Me and we will walk together in perfect safety and perfect peace.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Mary: Yesterday was a particularly demanding day physically. I bagged boxes and boxes of old records from the 80’s and 90’s. They are now ready to put in the trash. Also boxes and boxes of stuff we no longer need were given to a members of the Wednesday night ACIM group for them to use, pass on to others or take to Goodwill.
A friend of Sharyn’s, who is a tiler, came to give us a quote for tiling the kitchen floor. During this time I noticed thoughts of doubt popping up, “Can we really afford this?” It’s a good thing that trust was my key word yesterday, because I kept needing to go back to it.
We are really in the height of the clearing process, getting rid of all that we no longer need. It really does feel good, but I am finding it physically challenging. The good news is that all this exercise is making me stronger.
During the afternoon I talked on the phone to a man from Florida who was asking for some clarification about A Course in Miracles. I found it very uplifting to talk to him. It was a nice reprieve from the physical work, and it filled me with joy. Trusting in Holy Spirit’s plan and not my own is the key to my walking through this in peace.
Holy Spirit through Mary: Right now it is helpful for you to step back and remember that this is a dream. Your reality is eternally safe in the Mind of God. Give yourself time to sink more deeply into God’s peace. Open your inner windows and doors to receive God’s Love.
The more you are willing to receive the truth, the more you will extend the truth and all your doubts will disappear. You will remember that you are safe. You will remember that you are not the body. You simply use the body as an instrument to extend God’s Love in whatever form is most helpful in the moment. Keep following as you are led, using the Holy Spirit as your handrail. Let go and let God. Rest in God’s Love. Extend that Love to everyone. That is all you need to have a happy day.
Holy Spirit through Robert: Rest in Me. Rest in Me. Let this be a day of resting in Me. When you let yourself be carried you are resting in Me. When you let yourself be gently led through all the doing of the day, you are resting in Me.
You tire yourself with planning and organizing and trying to decide on your own. When you think you are on your own, you are believing you are separate from your Source. That indeed is very tiring. But when you rest in Me by following My lead, you are accepting the strength of God in you. You are accepting your Spirit of Wholeness.
If you feel anxious, hurried, doubtful or overwhelmed in any way, let those feelings remind you to return to resting in Me. Return to peace and open your mind to Me. I have no doubts for I am completely certain about What you are and Where you are. I always share My certainty with you. You need only accept it. My certainty is your certainty. Rest in Me today. Let Me carry you Home.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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Mary: Over the weekend the temperatures dropped to 12 below zero with high winds causing windchill of 40 below. We used this time to quiet our minds and follow Holy Spirit’s lead. It turned out that a lot was accomplished. We were able to pack up a lot of things that we do not need now and that can be put in storage. Today the wind has subsided so we can function safely outside. We can take the things we packed to storage. We are making progress, but sometimes it seems quiet slow.
Going back in my mind frequently to remember that present trust in Holy Spirit’s plan helps me be more patient with each step that is needed along the way. Rereading lesson 135 is really helping me right now. What stands out the most to me this morning is the word trust. Today I am going to soak in the word trust as I allow myself to be led moment by moment.
Holy Spirit, all I want is Your plan. I know that my job is to consistently step back and let You lead the way.
Holy Spirit: Don’t be in a hurry. Let the process of staying in a place of peace lead the way. It will all get done. Soften. Let yourself be carried. Go gently and remember that I am your constant Companion. Practice staying in the present moment doing just what is at hand with Me. The rest will take care of itself.
Robert: Yesterday I practiced being mindful and attentive to Inner Direction as I worked with the clearing out process. I ended up doing things in several different rooms, even though I should focus on one room. I practiced pausing as a new idea came to my mind of what to do next. In peace I asked, “Is this helpful to do this or a diversion?” I acted on the idea if it seemed to be helpful. On the surface many of the things I did seemed unrelated to each other, but in looking back at what was accomplished I can see that the things that seemed unrelated did prepare the way for things to come.
I am learning a new meaning for focus. In the past I have tried to focus on one project at a time, yet often I would distract myself with disconnected ideas that were not helpful, but I did not recognize they were distractions. I just impulsively followed the ideas as they came. I’m learning that focusing on the project is not necessarily the most helpful.
What is the most helpful is focusing on Holy Spirit’s plan and it is important for me not to judge Holy Spirit’s plan. Sometimes Holy Spirit’s plan may seem to take me in a direction unrelated to the project. If I judge that and don’t do it because it doesn’t “fit the project,” I have judged against Holy Spirit’s plan and substituted my own. It seems to be a fine line between distracting myself with my ideas and following Holy Spirit’s plan.
But yesterday was a good learning experience for me. I’m beginning to get a sense for the difference between my distracting ideas and Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance. I may still be misinterpreting Holy Spirit’s direction because I’m still trying to bring my plans with me sometimes, but I’m feeling that I’m making progress. So today I reaffirm my commitment to pause for peace all through the day and focus my attention no Holy Spirit’s direction. That is how I will have a happy day.
© 2008, Pathways of Light.
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