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²There is no world! ³This is the central thought the course attempts to teach.
…healing is the gift of those who are prepared to learn there is no world, and can accept the lesson now. ²Their readiness will bring the lesson to them in some form which they can understand and recognize.
²You are as God created you. ³There is no place where you can suffer, and no time that can bring change to your eternal state. ⁴How can a world of time and place exist, if you remain as God created you?
What is the lesson for today except another way of saying that to know your Self is the salvation of the world? ²To free the world from every kind of pain is but to change your mind about yourself. ³There is no world apart from your ideas because ideas leave not their source, and you maintain the world within your mind in thought. (A Course in Miracles, W-132.6:2-3;7:1-2;9:2–10:3. See also ACIM Lesson 132 Insights.)
We do not have to change the world to find peace and happiness. We have to change our beliefs about what we are. When we let go of identifying with a body and a separate personality in a world of myriad images of separation, we open our mind to receive Holy Spirit’s lessons in Love.
The lesson we must learn is that we are Love and nothing else. We were created by Love as an extension of Itself. The universality of Love excludes all the vain imaginings of a world of separation. Love is our true Identity.
An attribute of Love is peace because there is no conflict in Love’s oneness. Our true Self overlooks all the imagined differences. The practice of seeing only Love awakens our mind to our true Self. The Holy Spirit is in our mind to help us see past differences and recognize the unity that joins us with All That is in the Love of God. We welcome His help to have this vision today.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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Hear, holy Son of God, your Father speak. ²His Voice would give to you His holy Word, to spread across the world the tidings of salvation and the holy time of peace. ³We gather at the throne of God today, the quiet place within the mind where He abides forever, in the holiness that He created and will never leave.
He has not waited until you return your mind to Him to give His Word to you. ²He has not hid Himself from you, while you have wandered off a little while from Him. ³He does not cherish the illusions which you hold about yourself. ⁴He knows His Son, and wills that he remain as part of Him regardless of his dreams; regardless of his madness that his will is not his own.
Today He speaks to you. ²His Voice awaits your silence, for His Word can not be heard until your mind is quiet for a while, and meaningless desires have been stilled. ³Await His Word in quiet. ⁴There is peace within you to be called upon today, to help make ready your most holy mind to hear the Voice for its Creator speak.”
²He speaks from nearer than your heart to you. ³His Voice is closer than your hand. ⁴His Love is everything you are and that He is; the same as you, and you the same as He. (A Course in Miracles, W-125.4:1–6:4;7:2-4. See also ACIM Lesson 125 Insights.)
The peace of God is always in us. We can call upon it in every moment. It is our foundation that serves us to keep in place our true Identity. No matter what dreams we may experience, that foundation remains. We can call upon God’s peace to help us open our mind to hear His Voice. Our willingness to listen is the key to awakening from the dream of fear and guilt.
We start the day by calling upon this peace within. We let it fill our mind as we set aside our thoughts and plans. In peace we welcome God’s Love. We rest in His peace. From this resting place, we welcome inspiration from the Holy Spirit to guide us through the day. As we proceed through our busy doings, we remember to pause for peace. His Voice will guide us in the way of Love. We will be messengers of Love today.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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²The purpose of the world you see is to obscure your function of forgiveness, and provide you with a justification for forgetting it. ³It is the temptation to abandon God and His Son by taking on a physical appearance.
Nothing the body’s eyes seem to see can be anything but a form of temptation, since this was the purpose of the body itself. ²Yet we have learned that the Holy Spirit has another use for all the illusions you have made, and therefore He sees another purpose in them. ³To the Holy Spirit, the world is a place where you learn to forgive yourself what you think of as your sins. ⁴In this perception, the physical appearance of temptation becomes the spiritual recognition of salvation.
…your function here is to be the light of the world, a function given you by God.… ³The world’s salvation awaits your forgiveness, because through it does the Son of God escape from all illusions, and thus from all temptation. ⁴The Son of God is you.
²Let me not forget my function.
³Let me not try to substitute mine for God’s.
⁴Let me forgive and be happy. (A Course in Miracles, W-64.1:2-3;2;3:1,3-4;6:2-4). See also ACIM Lesson 64 Insights.
Forgiveness brings happiness. As we learn to see beyond appearances in the world, we see that they are not real and can have no effect on our Reality as God’s Son. If we are willing, the Holy Spirit will show us the purpose of everything we see with the body’s perceptions.
To receive the Holy Spirit’s help, we can remind ourselves that we do not know what anything means. We can ask the Holy Spirit to show us His purpose in place of the meaning we have given it. With this practice, all our perceptions serve the purpose of forgiveness as we accept the Holy Spirit’s help. This is how we become a Light in the world where Love’s Light is denied.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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Why would you not be overjoyed to be assured that all the evil that you think you did was never done, that all your sins are nothing, that you are as pure and holy as you were created, and that light and joy and peace abide in you? ²Your image of yourself cannot withstand the Will of God. ³You think that this is death, but it is life. ⁴You think you are destroyed, but you are saved.
The self you made is not the Son of God. ²Therefore, this self does not exist at all. ³And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. ⁴It is neither bad nor good. ⁵It is unreal, and nothing more than that.
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. ²Over and over this must be repeated, until it is accepted. ³It is true. ⁴Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. ⁵Nothing can touch it, or change what God created as eternal. ⁶The self you made, evil and full of sin, is meaningless. ⁷Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.
²Should you be tempted to become angry with someone, tell him silently:
³Light and joy and peace abide in you.
⁴Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. (A Course in Miracles, W-93.4:1–5:5;6;11:2-4. See also ACIM Lesson 93 Insights.)
This affirmation can be used as an antidote to all our fears and feelings of guilt towards yourself and others. It is only our illusions of harm and loss that cause us to feel fear and guilt. But as we acknowledge the fact that nothing can change the Son of God, our true Self, all seeming causes for fear and guilt are dispelled.
The ego offers myriad reasons to condemn. Our true Self sees only one reason to offer Love. It sees everyone as included in the Love we are, held safely in the arms of God.
Today we practice accepting this fact as we remind ourselves that Love and peace abide in us, Our sinless is guaranteed by God.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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²Your Friend goes with you. ³You are not alone. ⁴No one who calls on Him can call in vain. ⁵Whatever troubles you, be certain that He has the answer, and will gladly give it to you, if you simply turn to Him and ask it of Him. ⁶He will not withhold all answers that you need for anything that seems to trouble you. ⁷He knows the way to solve all problems, and resolve all doubts. ⁸His certainty is yours. ⁹You need but ask it of Him, and it will be given you.
…hear but the Voice for God and for your Self when you retire from the world, to seek reality instead. ³He will direct your efforts, telling you exactly what to do, how to direct your mind, and when to come to Him in silence, asking for His sure direction and His certain Word. ⁴His is the Word that God has given you. ⁵His is the Word you chose to be your own.
And now I place you in His hands, to be His faithful follower, with Him as Guide through every difficulty and all pain that you may think is real.
³You will be told exactly what God wills for you each time there is a choice to make. ⁴And He will speak for God and for your Self, thus making sure that hell will claim you not, and that each choice you make brings Heaven nearer to your reach. (A Course in Miracles, W-ep.1:2-9;3:2–4:1;5:3-4)
God is not a dictator. He simply offers the gift of all of His Love to His Son. When we choose to identify with the ego thought system of separation, we deny our birthright. We deny our true Identity. The ego is the wish to establish its own domain with it in charge. When we identify with the ego, we accept its demands.
We have another choice. We can choose to accept God’s gift of all of Himself. With this acceptance, we accept His Will that we share the oneness of His Love without limit. Our true Self’s Will is the same as God’s. It is His gift of Love that we seek for in myriad forms in the ego’s world. It cannot be found there because Love is denied.
Today we choose to accept our best Friend, Who is with us always. His mission is to guide us to recognize that ego’s world offers nothing we really want. In its place we are led to join with all of Reality in the Heart of Love.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.This is how A Course in Miracles begins. It makes a fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between knowledge and perception. Knowledge is truth, under one law, the law of love or God. Truth is unalterable, eternal and unambiguous. It can be unrecognized, but it cannot be changed. It applies to everything that God created, and only what He created is real. It is beyond learning because it is beyond time and process. It has no opposite; no beginning and no end. It merely is.
The world of perception, on the other hand, is the world of time, of change, of beginnings and endings. It is based on interpretation, not on facts. It is the world of birth and death, founded on the belief in scarcity, loss, separation and death. It is learned rather than given, selective in its perceptual emphases, unstable in its functioning, and inaccurate in its interpretations.
From knowledge and perception respectively, two distinct thought systems arise which are opposite in every respect. In the realm of knowledge no thoughts exist apart from God, because God and His Creation share one Will. The world of perception, however, is made by the belief in opposites and separate wills, in perpetual conflict with each other and with God. What perception sees and hears appears to be real because it permits into awareness only what conforms to the wishes of the perceiver. This leads to a world of illusions, a world which needs constant defense precisely because it is not real. (A Course in Miracles, Preface.1:1–4:5)
No matter how convinced we are that we are right, our perceptions are never true. Perceptions require an observer and an object observed. Thus perceptions depend upon separation to seem to exist.
The Course is telling us that what we think of as seeing is fundamentally flawed. It starts with the body which itself is within the false thought system of separation. It can only perceive within a dream world of separation.
A central teaching in the Course is that we are not a body. Our mistaken identification with the body keeps our attention on illusions of differences. Yet we have another way of seeing in the mind that does not use the body’s senses. It calls this vision, which only sees the reality of Love. Because Love is one, It sees only Itself, eternally extending to Love. This vision sees only truth.
As we give priority in our mind to this true vision, we free ourselves from the limitations of the body. We learn that we are eternally Love, loving and loved, and nothing else.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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The stillness of the peace of God is mine.
Perhaps we are now ready for a day of undisturbed tranquility. ²If this is not yet feasible, we are content and even more than satisfied to learn how such a day can be achieved. ³If we give way to a disturbance, let us learn how to dismiss it and return to peace. ⁴We need but tell our minds, with certainty, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine,” and nothing can intrude upon the peace that God Himself has given to His Son.
Father, Your peace is mine. ²What need have I to fear that anything can rob me of what You would have me keep? ³I cannot lose Your gifts to me. ⁴And so the peace You gave Your Son is with me still, in quietness and in my own eternal love for You. (A Course in Miracles, W-273. See also ACIM Lesson 273 Insights.)
Here we have a simple process we can use any time our peace of mind is disturbed. All we need do is remind ourselves, “The stillness of the peace of God is mine.” It is ours now and forever. In every moment we can reclaim the peace we disowned by identifying with the ego.
No matter what circumstances seem to be around us, this simple statement will help us come back to the stillness of the Mind we share with God. Let’s join together with this practice today to help bring peace to the world. The peace we already share unites us with the truth in every brother. Each time we remember this thought, its message is brought to the world.
© 2024, Pathways of Light.
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