The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in darkness. See [the Light] not outside of yourself, but shining in the Heaven within, and accept it as the sign the time of Christ has come. …And you need but invite Him in Who is there already, by recognizing that His Host is One. And no thought alien to His Oneness can abide with Him there. Love must be total to give Him welcome, for the Presence of holiness creates the holiness that surrounds it.
This Christmas, give the Holy Spirit everything that would hurt you. Let yourself be healed completely, that you may join with Him in healing, and let us celebrate our release together, by releasing everyone with us. Leave nothing behind, for release is total, and when you have accepted [release] with me, you will give it with me. (A Course in Miracles, T-15.XI.2:1-2,7-8;3:1-3. See also ACIM Text Q & A.)
The time of Christ is the time of peace and good will, for these are attributes of Love. It is impossible to bring peace and good will to the world if we harbor fear and guilt within.
We let the time of Christ be now by bringing all our guilt and fear to the Holy Spirit within and accepting His healing Love. As we accept Christ’s loving vision, we see innocence where we saw guilt, we see peace where we saw fear and conflict. We give release as we accept release. We bring peace and good will to the world.
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