Daily Inspiration

Remembering Our Home in Heaven

I will be still an instant and go home.

This world you seem to live in is not home to you. ²And somewhere in your mind you know that this is true.

We speak today for everyone who walks this world, for he is not at home. ²He goes uncertainly about in endless search, seeking in darkness what he cannot find; not recognizing what it is he seeks. ³A thousand homes he makes, yet none contents his restless mind. ⁴He does not understand he builds in vain. ⁵The home he seeks can not be made by him. ⁶There is no substitute for Heaven. ⁷All he ever made was hell.

…there is a Child in you Who seeks His Father’s house, and knows that He is alien here. ⁴This childhood is eternal, with an innocence that will endure forever. ⁵Where this Child shall go is holy ground. ⁶It is His Holiness that lights up Heaven, and that brings to earth the pure reflection of the light above, wherein are earth and Heaven joined as one.

It is this Child in you your Father knows as His Own Son. (A Course in Miracles, W-182.1:1-2;3;4:3–5:1. See also ACIM Lesson 182 Insights.)

Heaven is always at peace. Its stillness can never be disturbed. To remember Heaven as our Home, we must join in that stillness.

Each time we step back from the busyness of our lives and allow our mind to be still, we open to the stillness of our Home. Here the Light of Love fills our mind. We experience our true Self, which is held forever in our Father’s Love.

Today we practice pausing to let our mind be still. We want to remember our Home.

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