Daily Inspiration

Remembering the Love That Unites Us

To give and to receive are one in truth.

Vision depends upon today’s idea. ²The light is in it, for it reconciles all seeming opposites. ³And what is light except the resolution, born of peace, of all your conflicts and mistaken thoughts into one concept which is wholly true? ⁴Even that one will disappear, because the Thought behind it will appear instead to take its place. ⁵And now you are at peace forever, for the dream is over then.

True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body’s eyes behold. ²It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all. ³And thus what is the same is seen as one, while what is not the same remains unnoticed, for it is not there.

This is the light that shows no opposites, and vision, being healed, has power to heal. ²This is the light that brings your peace of mind to other minds, to share it and be glad that they are one with you and with themselves. ³This is the light that heals because it brings single perception, based upon one frame of reference, from which one meaning comes.

Here are both giving and receiving seen as different aspects of one Thought whose truth does not depend on which is seen as first, nor which appears to be in second place. ²Here it is understood that both occur together, that the Thought remain complete. (A Course in Miracles, W-108.1:1–4:2. See also ACIM Lesson 108 Insights.)

The Light of Love dispels all images of separation. It sees only Love because only Love is real. It does not see any conflict or potential loss because the eternal giving and receiving of Love never changes. It is this Love that unites us with our Father and all our brothers.

The vision this Light brings cannot be seen with the body’s eyes. It is seen in our mind where the unity of Love is our Identity. Today we ask the Holy Spirit to help us see truly and remember the Love we share with our Father and brothers.

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