This is a year of joy, in which your listening will increase and peace will grow with its increase. ²The power of holiness and the weakness of attack are both being brought into your awareness. …whenever you listened to His interpretation the results have brought you joy. ⁶Would you prefer the results of your interpretation, considering honestly what they have been? ⁷God wills you better. ⁸Could you not look with greater charity on whom God loves with perfect Love?
⁵Today, let us resolve together to accept the joyful tidings that disaster is not real and that reality is not disaster. ⁶Reality is safe and sure, and wholly kind to everyone and everything. ⁷There is no greater love than to accept this and be glad. ⁸For love asks only that you be happy, and will give you everything that makes for happiness.
You have never given any problem to the Holy Spirit He has not solved for you, nor will you ever do so. ²You have never tried to solve anything yourself and been successful. …⁷This year invest in truth, and let it work in peace. ⁸Have faith in Him Who has faith in you. (A Course in Miracles, T-16.II.7:1-2,5-8;8:5–9:2,7-8. See also ACIM Text Made Simple.)
We have the means to live in joy. We need only make it a priority to listen to the Holy Spirit’s Guidance all through the day. He will teach us to see beyond the dream of fear and disaster. He will help us see the reality of Love shining everywhere, unencumbered by dreams of separation.
As we accept the Holy Spirit’s help, we will let the false images of conflict dissolve in the Light of Love, which shows us unity and brings us peace of mind. Today, with the Holy Spirit’s help, we choose to see every brother truly. In recognition of our oneness, this will be a joyous day of reunion with our true Self.
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