Daily Inspiration

Step Back From What You Seem to Perceive

Holy Spirit through Robert:
  Remember that the body’s senses were made to exclude reality. The body, being an illusion itself, can only perceive illusions. Learn not to try to interpret on your own what the body’s senses show you. What they show you is a mask, a veil, a cover-up made to hide the truth. The Holy Spirit must be your Guide in all things while you believe you are in this world. He sees what you see, but believes it not. He knows of your oneness with God and will help you see that by reinterpreting the images that were made to hide.

In every moment, step back from what you seem to see or perceive. As you practice letting Holy Spirit be your interpreter in all things, the seeming complexity of the ego’s dream will fade. You will find your certainty increasing. This certainty that comes with following the Holy Spirit’s guidance is based on the changelessness of God. And what could be more certain than that? Trust becomes easy as you remember that what you are trusting in is all that is certain because you are trusting in God. As has been said before, let all your doing be an exercise in the practice of stepping back and letting Holy Spirit be your Guide, your Interpreter in all things. This is a path of peace that leads you Home to perfect happiness and Love eternal.

Holy Spirit through Mary:
  At a time when everything appears to be changing, it is helpful to remember that you are in Holy Spirit’s school. It is important to remember that the Holy Spirit is your Teacher and Guide. It is important to remember that you are the student and the Holy Spirit is the Teacher. When you remember you are in a school and that you have a Teacher to guide you, you do not make assumptions on your own about what anything means in the world. Instead of deciding on your own what any circumstance means, you step back. You wait and listen. You allow yourself to be taught. You remember that believing in the world is just a reinforcement of pure insanity.

You watch the comings and goings of the events in the world, with their constant change, with Holy Spirit. You allow the Holy Spirit’s peace to infuse your mind with a sense of safety. You place your trust in the Holy Spirit and not in the things of the world. You accept the Holy Spirit’s feeling of calmness and consistency and knowing that everything is all right, no matter what the dream looks like. You join with Holy Spirit’s view of the world and remember that waking up from the dream is the only meaningful purpose of the world.

From the Holy Spirit you receive God’s peace and extend God’s peace. You receive God’s Love and extend God’s Love. You receive God’s joy and happiness and extend the happiness and joy of God. Know that this is your true purpose. You know too much to be attracted by the ego’s valuing of the valueless. You feel secure and strong as you anchor yourself in Holy Spirit’s state of awareness. You know there is nothing to fear. All you want is to consistently step back and follow Holy Spirit’s lead, moment by moment.

With Holy Spirit you are not attracted to place your trust in anything in the world. You place your trust in God, not in the shifting sands of the ego’s merry-go-round. You feel an inner happiness. You still see the ups and downs, the winning and losing of the ego’s ride, but you do not take it seriously. You happily remember that it is a dream, and this is not your true Home. You feel truly grateful that you can be of service to the Holy Spirit’s plan of atonement. You know that everything that appears to be showing up in the dream can be used by the Holy Spirit for awakening and you choose to stick with Holy Spirit now.

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