The end of dreams is promised me, because God’s Son is not abandoned by His Love.
The goal the Holy Spirit’s teaching sets is just this end of dreams.
Accept your Father’s gift. It is a Call from Love to Love, that It be but Itself. The Holy Spirit is His gift, by which the quietness of Heaven is restored to God’s beloved Son. (A Course in Miracles, W-pII.279.1:1;7.2:1;5:1-3)
We accept our Father’s gift by opening to the peace within and welcoming Holy Spirit’s guidance. As we do this, we see that efforting is not necessary. We let ourselves be led to the gentle vision of innocence. There we experience the quietness of Heaven. We experience the joy of joining with all our brothers in the oneness of Love.
Our practice today is to facilitate the end of dreams by seeing past images of separation to the truth. Thus will we experience the blessing of God’s Love.
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