January-March, 2005
This month we are highlighting Pathways of Light Minister Myron Jones, who contributes to an ongoing Inner Healing Journal titled, “Together We Light the Way” on the Pathways of Light web site. She is also author of a delightful and inspiring book, “A Journey of Forgiveness.” With the book comes a companion DVD and CD, which Pathways includes as gifts of gratitude to Pathways of Light members. The following interview includes questions and Myron’s answers:
January-March, 2005
One of the lessons we are currently working on is accepting the fact that if we think we have a problem, no matter what it looks like, we are forgetting to accept Christ’s vision. It does not matter whether the problem seems to be coming from someone else or whether it appears to be beyond our ‘control.’ We are learning that in every circumstance the reason we think there is a ‘problem’ is because we are looking at the situation through the filters of the ego’s thought system.
January-March, 2005
A warmth comes over me
An ocean of energy
Spirit calls
January-March, 2005
In preparing for this article we invited the Holy Spirit to select the topic for us to share. We did this by first joining in holy purpose, quieting our minds and randomly opening up the Course. We know from experience that, when we practice this, Holy Spirit always selects the ‘perfect’ topic for us for that moment in our lives. This time, Holy Spirit gave us Text, Chapter 20, Section II: The Gift of Lilies.
January-March, 2005
When I let go of the past, I can come to forgiveness now. How often the past wants to assert itself. Here comes the memory of our failure to be open and giving. Here comes the memory of our quiet resentment or anxiety. Here comes the memory of our judgment against our brother, maybe it was unspoken verbally, but it was there in our attitude and actions. We distanced ourselves from others.
January-March, 2005
During the month of October and into the first weeks of November, I noticed I have been gripped by more fear than usual. It’s not surprising when I realized I had been watching more TV than usual and listening more to National Public Radio, ego’s boom boxes for gloom and doom. News about the flu vaccine shortage, the war in Iraq, cancer scares, ads for new drugs that would first promise cures and then kill you from the side effects, and electioneering all flooded my mind.
January-March, 2005
True freedom is the “Freedom of eternal Truth” and as we all know, God is the Author of Truth. God created us in His image and likeness. He created us in His Reality with His Divine attributes. We, as His children in Truth, are blessed with His attributes, one of which is unlimited freedom. To know and experience our freedom in Truth, we must first realize and accept the Truth of God as our existence now. Once we have accepted the undeniable Truth, we then devote ourselves to living in a way that honors Its expression in all that we think, say and do. This is the way of Christ.
January-March, 2005
These thoughts came to me after reviewing the daily lesson of “I seek a future different from the past.”
The bottom line is that in my insanity I’m trying to make separation real. This endeavor puts my mind in conflict, trying to use two opposing belief systems. There is only one Will, and my true will is in accord with the Will of Love. In my insanity I think that my will can be different then God’s Will. I mistake my insane thoughts for truth. I think that separation happened, so I am condemned by a vengeful god. The insane mind scrambles to try and keep itself intact. It tries to direct every thought, belief, and action; it grasps tightly to its dream images.
January-March, 2005
It is a wonderful time to be! A wonderful day for wonderful relationship with All That Is!
The deer hunters have gone for the day. The solar projects have been put on hold for the day. The worn car does not need to function for today. The kitties are playing in the sun in the yard. A perfect reflection of joy in life. A simple choice.
January-March, 2005
Acting on an inspiration that I assume came from a divine Source, I have been reviewing the Workbook lessons in Part II of A Course in Miracles. I have really been savoring them and they are opening new dimensions of understanding for me. Lesson 259 — “Let me remember that there is no sin”— brought a major revelation and spiritual breakthrough. I stayed on the lesson for a few days and had tremendous feelings of relief knowing that all of my phony petty “sins” amounted to nothing at all and how we really do imagine them as keeping us from God.
January-March, 2005
Understanding spiritual truth within the context of the illusion requires that we embrace a paradox. In the world of form, seeking and finding are directly linked by our actions. For instance, if I feel hunger and I seek out food to satisfy this hunger, my seeking will yield a surcease to my hunger. Temporarily, at least, I feel satisfied. I am no longer hungry.
January-March, 2005
E- motion, energy in motion
Is like the ocean
Unruly, untamed, fearful to behold.
To impress, I stress
And push down my feelings untold
What a mess!
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