Miracles News

July - September, 2009

Healing Through Service

by Revs. Robert & Mary Stoelting

image For the past few months we have been spending much of our time doing the post-production audio and video work for two remarkably healing three and four day workshops given last summer at Pathways of Light, plus a very helpful audio book on healing family relationships written and narrated by Rev. Myron Jones.

The sale of the property in Kiel, Wisconsin, has not yet occurred, so we are receiving the opportunity to strengthen our trust muscles. It was not a coincidence that the four day workshop by Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira was all about the six stages in the development of trust discussed in the Manual for Teachers.

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July - September, 2009

New 8-DVD Workshop Available!

To order this 8-DVD workshop, call 1-800-323-PATH (7284) or purchase online at [url=http://www.pathwaysoflight.org]http://www.pathwaysoflight.org[/url]

imageUndoing the Ego II Taking It to a Deeper Level

Experience this life-changing four-day workshop on 8 DVD’s

Presented by best selling authors, Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira

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July - September, 2009

I Accept My Father’s Gifts

by Rev. Mary Manke

image I attended the “ON” workshop at Pathways of Light, Kiel. Holy Spirit was truly in charge of the weekend experience.

In one process, we were shown a large tray covered with many small boxes, lovingly wrapped and ribboned. These represented God’s gifts to us. We were asked to take one, read the slip tucked under its ribbon, then return it to the tray, and write down our gift. Once everyone had their gift, we were to write what our life would be like if we completely accepted that gift.  My gift was trust. The following was what came to mind.

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July - September, 2009

Judgment and Self-Judgment — The Miracle of Reinterpretation

Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira

image  When we began studying A Course in Miracles in 1990 we had a limited understanding of the nature of judgment and absolutely no idea just how destructive judgment was, regardless of the form it took. Despite the fact that the Course says there are no neutral thoughts, we would pass all sorts of judgments when watching TV, listening to the radio or observing passers by while having coffee. We just ‘tried’ not to judge the people we came into contact with and attempted to withdraw judgment when in conflict. We weren’t very peaceful then and we always felt threatened, but never put ‘two and two’ together. We didn’t realize just how insidious judgment was nor did we recognize then, the negative effects it had on us.

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July - September, 2009

Healing My Inner Child

by Jack Hartog

image “Classes? I don’t need no stinking classes,” I pronounced in my best mock-Mexican bandido accent. My Pathways of Light Reverend wife, Johannys, had just proposed that I participate in Pathways’ “Healing the Inner Child” class that she was about to facilitate in our home. I was only half-joking.

When I graduated law school, many, many years ago, I vowed that the only classes I would take were those that were either required to keep my license to practice law or that everyone had to take because hell had frozen over. I just have never been a “go to class and listen to a lecture” type person. You know my type: I was the kind of grade school student that the teacher made sit in the front of the class to maximize the chances of preventing mischief. While I do gladly sit through church services, I go more for the music and fellowship than for the sermons, being reassured that they usually last only 20 minutes or so, which falls well within my self-declared and admittedly immature threshold for sitting in a chair and pretending to pay attention.

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July - September, 2009

Healing Through Forgiveness

by Rev. Diane Bucaro, M.S.W.

Two Healings around forgiving a partner of six years:

I had been living with a doctor in Mexico on and off for six years. Six times I left him and went to live elsewhere and all for the same reason—he just had too many other things going on in his life and I didn’t feel ‘special.’ Five times he brought me back and we got got back together. The sixth time he didn’t.

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July - September, 2009

Gratitude for the Willingness to Hold Jesus’ Hand

by Rev. Sharyn Zenz

image Having spent the weekend hosting the “ON” workshop at Pathways of Light, I went home on Sunday evening after being gone for the last 6 days. I went to bed and was suddenly awakened by a pain shooting up my neck into my head. It woke me from a sound sleep at 3 a.m. Then I had been having dizzy spells, so the next day I thought I had better call the doctor.

I’m not one to go to the doctor very often, but this time I thought I should go. I made an appointment for the next day. When I got there, I had my blood pressure taken and after answering a lot of questions the doctor said I had to have some blood drawn and an EKG. After fasting, I went to have the blood drawn the next morning and then drove to Pathways of Light to work.

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July - September, 2009

Christ Vision

by Rev. Myron Jones

image  I open my heart to You, Holy Spirit, and invite You in. I ask for Your guidance. I gladly step back and let You lead the way. Holy Spirit, help each of us to receive from this article whatever it is we most need. Amen

I never write or teach or counsel without first stepping back and setting the intention to allow the Holy Spirit to lead. Sometimes I become enamored with the sound of my own voice and forget to listen, but am getting good at recognizing when this happens and then deciding to stop. Not perfect yet, but definitely better.

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July - September, 2009

Reflections on a Slave Fort — A Healing Across Time

by Rev. Dennis Gaither, M.D.

image  I wish to share with you a very moving experience that I had while visiting the West African country of Ghana. I was there as part of a delegation, sponsored by the Seattle based organization Global Citizen Journey (http://globalcitizenjourney.org/), consisting of a small group of Ghanaians and North Americans on a many-faceted mission to build an orphanage in the fishing village of Axim. It was a challenging, but also joyful process in which hands, minds and hearts reached across the illusory barriers of geography, language, race and culture to join in common purpose.

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July - September, 2009

Forgivenes Is the Answer

by Rev. Jennifer McSween

image I was looking forward to September of 2003. My daughter had turned 5 earlier that year and was starting school. I had chosen to put my professional life on hold during the last 5 years so I could be at home with her. This decision not only afforded me the joy of this time together, but also gave me a more flexible schedule. I was able to work on certain personal and professional areas of my life. It was during this time that I completed the Pathways of Light Spiritual Counselor Training Program, enrolled in the University of Metaphysics graduate studies program and began developing the professional speaking business.

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July - September, 2009

Asking the Right Question

Rev. Annie Arbona

image  This summer it has been unusually stormy in the area of Charleston where I live. We’ve had a lot of heat lightning, thunder, wind, hail, and of course a lot of rain.

I’ve often wondered if it is all a reflection of the storminess in our minds. On this particular night the answer for me was indeed a yes! As I observed the lightning and thunder outside, I became more and more aware of the storm occurring inside of myself.

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July - September, 2009

How Does a Teacher of God Teach?

by Rev. Larry Glenz

image  Having recently retired from a long career as a high school history teacher and a coach of several sports, I have been enthusiastic about using my Pathways of Light ministry to teach about my greatest passion, A Course in Miracles.

I absolutely love A Course in Miracles.  Why I firmly believe it speaks of spiritual “Truth,” I cannot say. Although it is only one path of thousands designed to connect us to our Creator — when it is the path that is meant for you, you seem to recognize it. I’ve been studying ACIM for 15 years now and I still feel I can’t fully understand much of what it says. Nevertheless, I somehow firmly believe all it says is the truth and I’m truly grateful that it all resonates in me so powerfully.

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July - September, 2009


Rev. Anita Ottley

imageMay 2009 marked the 4th anniversary of my ordination from Pathways of Light. Since that time, the question I hear the most is “What are doing with your ministry?” I often find myself wondering how best to respond to this question.

My first thought is that we are all teachers and students every minute of every day so we minister to each other and to ourselves in every breath we take. For some, their ministry shows up in sharing with large groups of people in a group or church setting. For others, it may mean writing and sharing your experiences online, in a newsletter, journal or book. Yet again, it might be ministering one on one with the people in your life.

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July - September, 2009

Peace in Action

by Rev. PJ Bouchard

imageIn talking about peace I would like to share a personal story with you. Over the past month or so I have had the opportunity of providing peace to my loving parents and ultimately to me. How did this all come about? Well, during my travels to Miami for business, over the last several months, I got to visit and spend some quality time with them. It was a pretty amazing experience for me. During this visit I realized what a wonderful and, what I call, ‘cute’ life they have. They both still drive, mom works part time and dad golf’s every day. Oh did I mention they are 82?

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July - September, 2009

Thoughts of Love and Being Present

by Adrienne Dumas

Loving thoughts are the only thoughts that are real and true. They point the way to the experience of Love Itself. They are reminders of who we are. They can only be experienced in this present moment. Loving thoughts, being real, do not exist in the past or future because there is no past or future, only the Eternal Now.

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