January-March, 2011
Tomas Viera transitioned this month; his body shut down from cancer. I first met him at the four-day workshop in Kiel, Wisconsin called “Undoing the Ego II” a few years ago. At the time I was still skeptical of the “spiritual people” that were associated with Pathways of Light. Only months earlier, I completed my ministerial training and became ordained as a Pathways of Light reverend.
I knew my life story was not very reverend-like, so I expected to have little in common with those that I would be meeting in Kiel. Nevertheless, I was a devoted student of A Course in Miracles and was enthralled with the book that Tomas had co-authored with his former wife, Nouk Sanchez.
January-March, 2011
Only Love is Real… So what does that mean? I have one of those plastic wrist bands with this written on it (that I got from Shanti Christo). So does my 13 year old daughter. I was guided to tell her not to take it off until she understands what it means. Wow, what a tall order… Recently her PE teacher challenged her and wanted her to remove it, but she successfully refused… She knows this is a key lesson somehow and in doing that, her faith teaches me.
January-March, 2011
When I received notice that my high school class was going to celebrate our 40th reunion, I was excited. I had gone through twelve years of school with many of them, and several were a big part of my youth. We were to meet at a prestigious yacht club for the festivities. My anxiety started two days before the event. “What was I going to wear?” “Should I bring a date?” “How will I be judged?” “Will I be thought of as a success?” My brain was off to the races!
January-March, 2011
Recently I accepted a position with my church as director of family services. In this position, I manage the Sunday school for children ages 1 through 18 and the nursery as well. It is more than a Sunday school. It is a community of families who bring their children to a sacred space for friendship and learning.
When presented with this enormous responsibility, I immediately went into meditation. I have never done this type of work before. I was at a loss. Sure, I have children and grandchildren. I’ve taught them about God or my perception of God as the years passed. But, in meditation I was thrust deeply into a new reality and I knew some very core beliefs and ways of being were about to shift.
January-March, 2011
Recently my prayer to Holy Spirit was for an answer to why so many things are challenging me to remembering only Love is real.
The Holy Spirit replied with an answer in the form of an acronym for LOVE: L = Living, O = Only, V = Vibrant, E = Energy.
The energy flows naturally just thinking Living Only Vibrant Energy… can you feel it? The idea and concept is simple, yet expansive as my heart opens with love and happiness. I connected with this message and applied it in many areas of my life.
January-March, 2011
When two people meet, it is such a special moment. Stretched before them are infinite possibilities of discovery. What is this person’s story this time? Where do their stories cross? How will their stories be helpful to each other? How will their interactions affect the awakening of the Sonship?
January-March, 2011
There is nothing that my holiness cannot do. Wow! Is that powerful or what? If I am holy and there is nothing that my holiness cannot do, that must mean that I cannot fail. That must also mean that I am invulnerable. If I cannot fail and I am invulnerable, then it follows that I can live eternally.
Speed bump! Whoa! Hold on! I don’t think that I want to live eternally. I don’t even think I want to do 100 years. The past 58 were pure agony with the exception of a few smiles here and there. Yet, those smiles were all temporary. Nothing good lasts.
With that last sentence, I can feel the tugging of Holy Spirit as He brings me back to center. Let’s add, “In this world of form, time and space.” Nothing good lasts in this world of form, time and space. Okay. This has been a correction in thought. Isn’t that what this Course is supposed to be about?
January-March, 2011
Occasionally I wake in the night. Several years ago, I did that on a Thursday night and turned on my radio to bore me back to sleep. There was a man named Gary Renard being interviewed on one of those nighttime talk show hosts. My interest peaked when I heard him use the word Oneness a couple of times. Renard had written book titled Disappearance of the Universe. After the interview was over I went back to sleep but not before I promised myself I would buy the book.
January-March, 2011
“The story I tell myself is…” This is a simple phrase that my friend Evonne, a psychologist, introduced me to. This little phrase will help you see what illusions you are trying to make real.
“OK, but what do I do with this phrase?” you may ask. Let me explain further.
January-March, 2011
As we get closer to the holidays, it seems that my fears of lack seem to creep into my thoughts more and more. It is also the time of the year that property taxes are due. So, my ego seems to work overtime at this time of the year! Whenever I am not at peace and these ego thoughts start to creep into my mind, these are a two of the exercises that are very helpful to me:
January-March, 2011
This morning when I woke up I immediately noticed that Kathy had risen before me and gone downstairs. This was unusual because she always worked later than me and thus usually rose after me. I also wondered, “What is she doing downstairs that would cause her to rise so early?” And then I remembered… The day that my life ended? And the day (that same day) that my life, a new now, began again?
Seemingly, on July 19th, when I repeatedly kissed the river coldness of Kathy’s body, I immediately slipped into a twilight zone of another dimension.
January-March, 2011
“Now are we one with Him Who is our Source.” ACIM Lesson 164
Amazing how Spirit works. I have not heard from my youngest daughter for some time and have been unable to reach her. Mystified, I went to sleep asking for Peace.
January-March, 2011
Peace is the Way through the Door
Creating a Life waiting for you to live it.
Nothing to postpone until the
circumstances are just right.
Nothing to delay until you
can slip out of sight.
All your needs will be met,
All you fears have been wept.
January-March, 2011
As a newly ordained minister of Pathways of Light, my ego often tries to make me feel that I’m not yet worthy of making a substantial contribution to our membership. Fortunately, I have so much faith in our Father in Heaven, that I have the strength to bid these thoughts farewell and I will keep chasing them away till they know they are too weak to try to enter. A large part of me must have felt unworthy of my new title or the Holy Spirit decided to be very forceful about teaching me and others some lessons.
January-March, 2011
There are millions of shades and variations of faith and doubt with which I face the Holy Spirit and His great Counsel. Amid all of this I ask myself what I need to do to take Holy Spirit seriously. To take Him seriously means to take Him at His holy word and to give Him the opportunity to respond to me in the way that He has promised.
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