January-March, 2013
Part 1 — While all miracles are born from healing the ‘cause,’ which is our perception, they can extend to the level of ‘effect’ (form) as well. They can do so because both cause (mind) and effect (body and the world) remain together in our mind and cannot be separate. They can certainly appear to be separate, but only in our fear-based perception. Usually, though, we will not witness a miracle at the form level if we are still afraid of it.
January-March, 2013
In the last Miracles News, Reverend Maria Kingsley and I announced that POL will soon be starting a support group to support those with chronic and critical illness. In fact, there are already seven ministers who are part of this group and we meet once a month to strengthen our own understanding of Wellness through Mind Healing based on A Course in Miracles. We also support each other in our willingness to be of service under Holy Spirit’s guidance. If you are a Pathways of Light minister and feel called as you read this, please contact me at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
January-March, 2013
How busy
Do you keep yourself
So that Love and Truth
Find no space in you to Be?
January-March, 2013
I am grateful to A Course in Miracles, certainly. I am grateful that it taught me about the power of gratitude. It seems to me that gratitude comes so much more naturally to me than it used to. I most certainly give credit to the process of turning to Holy Spirit for guidance — a practice that has developed in me from participating in Pathways of Light courses, attending ACIM study groups, and spending time quietly with the intention of connecting with my Creator.
January-March, 2013
Workbook lesson 12 says, I am upset because I see a meaningless world. I see a world where a life ends — and then ends up in a vacuum cleaner bag (a spider). And then ends up in that bag forever, at the dump. A glorious life, forever in a vacuum cleaner bag, at the dump. This can’t be real. That kind of stuff can only happen in dreams.
January-March, 2013
I woke up early one November morning feeling very unwell. My head hurt, I was shaking and felt sick. I said nothing to my husband who brought me a cup of tea, as he has every day of our 20 year marriage, with just one exception when he was working abroad.
I lay there quite puzzled. I really shouldn’t be sick and really did not expect to be sick. Nevertheless, herewith I was struggling with it!
January-March, 2013
I am learning the lessons of not to be afraid of this journey through fear and not to judge the path or the point on the path, where I find myself or where I perceive another to be. For it is here I need to turn to Holy Spirit for help.
January-March, 2013
I intend to see
this world differently
But all I see is
disease, disaster and death.
January-March, 2013
I thought when I grew up and moved out of my parents’ house I was done being told what to do. I was free to live my life the way I wanted. No one was going to tell me what to wear, who I could associate with, where I could go, what time I had to be home. I was done!
January-March, 2013
The way I seem to currently relate to what could be called the spiritual experience and the teachings of ACIM is that:
• We are ‘now’ unlimited being, unified in Love with everything and all we will ever be.
January-March, 2013
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)
Early this morning I saw the little black squirrel that lives in our oak tree run from branch to branch, climbing higher and higher and transfer to another tree, going even higher. He did not hesitate. He did not fall. He was sure and swift. A creature of God, he reached the top branch and perched there, looking up as if at peace with his Maker. He then let out a loud shout of joy at his achievement.
January-March, 2013
God is in, through and around everything and every one. This is a Spiritual Universe in which we live. Although unseen by many, this is our true reality. It is sometimes in our darkest hour that this light shines the brightest to awaken our true Identity in God.
January-March, 2013
On December 21st, the sale of the Pathways of Light property in Wisconsin was completed. The property in Kiel, Wisconsin, will soon serve a new purpose as an assisted living facility for veterans.
The sale of the property frees Pathways of Light to move forward into a new era of service in Holy Spirit’s plan for the Great Awakening. The completion of the sale came on the last day of the Mayan calendar, a symbol of the end of an era and the beginning of a new time of expanding into fuller awareness of the limitless Spirit we are.
January-March, 2013
Note from Robert & Mary: We would like to highlight excerpts from the very practical, helpful and inspiring Healing Journal that Rev. Myron Jones writes daily on the Pathways of Light website. In her journal Myron works with both the daily lessons of A Course in Miracles and then the Text. Click here to go to her journal.
A Morning Prayer and an Opportunity to Use It
My mind is full of prayer this morning. Father, as I do this work, please help me to remember that there is nothing outside my mind and therefore all healing is done in my mind. Please help me to resist the desire to find someone else to blame and to remember that there is no one else. Amen
January-March, 2013
Well, the end of the world was two days ago. Everyone is smiling and feeling all triumphant that the world didn’t end after all. There actually were people out there who were terrified that the world could really end. Others were preparing to survive the world’s demise. I’m still scratching my head on that one.
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