April-June, 2019
April-June, 2019
As the years seem to go by, my study of ACIM only intensifies. I feel grateful to have A Course in Miracles to focus me on Holy Spirit’s Guidance as I navigate through this human experience.
The Course captured my heart many years ago and I have never let go of it. The Course has convinced me that Holy Spirit has got my back no matter what seems to be going on in my life. I have had the experience of being carried by Spirit during the most difficult times.
April-June, 2019
“Illusion recognized must disappear. Accept not suffering, and you remove the thought of suffering.” (W-pI.187.7:1-2)
The next part of this lesson is focused on the idea of suffering. The fact is that all events are neutral until we impose our thoughts on them and thus give them meaning. Nothing that happens here is innately sacrificial and seems so only because we insist upon it. I am not saying that it is easy to see the neutrality of certain events, but how we choose to see it does not in any way change the facts. And the good news is that if we decide upon suffering then we can use that same power to change our mind about it.
April-June, 2019
I search for you.
I Feel your presence.
It is a faded memory
but it draws me
like a humming bird
to nectar.
My yearning is ceaseless.
My love is boundless.
I sense this at the
core of my being.
April-June, 2019
At the beginning of 2019, I set my intention to bring love into the world. I considered how I could do this and thought of kindness, compassion, smiles, listening, affirming others. As I carried love into the new year, I felt more joy, love, and peace. My hourly mantra was “I am love.”
Last week I was reading a book called The Miracle of Real Forgiveness by Tom Carpenter. A passage from the book jumped out at me. Tom suggested we ask, “Holy Spirit, teach me how to love.” I felt drawn to it, and then I thought… “Hmmm ..... I already know how to love.” But I did it anyway.
Every hour I would stop and say, “Holy Spirit, teach me how to love.” And my experience of extending love grew in ways I never would have guessed.
April-June, 2019
We would first like to share that the subject of this article is what we want to reinforce and strengthen in our minds because our mind healing is the only thing that is truly important. We choose to join you in daily practice of opening to the strength of our united Love.
We will begin with the Preface of ACIM under “What it Says,” (on page xi). Here we are told, “The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference — the dominant ideas, wishes and emotions in our minds. “Projection makes perception.” (Text, p. 445) We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it. We make it true by our interpretations of what it is we are seeing.
April-June, 2019
Have you ever noticed how easily you can sometimes recall lyrics from a song you listened to years ago? I’ve often said that, if you want to remember something, just put it to music. That’s what the Holy Spirit often does for me.
There’s a little ditty I remember hearing as a teen:
Show me the way to go home. I’m tired, and I want to go to bed.
I had a little drink about an hour ago, and it went right to my head. No matter where I roam, over land or sea or foam, you can always hear me singing this song,
show me the way to go home.
April-June, 2019
This year is the 25th anniversary of us hosting a gathering to watch the 1993 film Groundhog Day and to discuss its spiritual implications. Each year, A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a source of many quotes pertinent to our thematic Groundhog Day discussions.
As you may know, the film’s basic storyline is that Phil (the weatherman) is stuck in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania re-living the same February 2nd Groundhog Day over and over and over until he learns to look at the world differently.
April-June, 2019
What does humility mean to you? I could pull some good sounding words out my cubicle mind/me-character hat to answer this question, but I won’t.Instead I will share how confused I was about humility most of my life. Probably like many of us I once thought to be humble was to hide behind the curtain, let people step all over you, don’t speak up or loudly enough so anyone can hear you, and don’t stir the pot. Turns out this is not what it is to practice humility. Yes, I am seeing that humility, like Pause for Inspiration, is a practice. A practice in letting go of who I think I am in exchange for who I am truly.
April-June, 2019
Circumstances of my life — whether I set aside the ego long enough to acknowledge it or not —are perfectly orchestrated for me to squeeze all the goodies I can get out of my study of ACIM.
In chapter 21 of the Text it states, “I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked.” (T-21.11.2:3-5)
I recently learned my job has been eliminated at the end of the month due to acquisition of the medical clinic where I work. In the early stages of this revelation, I rested in the knowledge that I was a “good employee” and “hard worker,” not to mention heavily relied upon by my administrators and co-workers alike. I had a long history of being the “go to” person and the “get it done” gal. Yay me.
As time has passed, it’s becoming clearer that “eliminated” means exactly that.
April-June, 2019
It is a sad statement that in what we think of as a “free society,” few of us feel free. Instead, most of us feel chained to our jobs, family responsibilities, chores, and various other worldly commitments. We may say to ourselves that once we get through this job report, or this family obligation, then we will be free, but something always comes along to fill that space. It seems that “freedom” is always something that will happen in the future, an elusive concept that never comes to fruition. Do we even have a description of what freedom is? Is it just time to do whatever we want or is it something much deeper?
April-June, 2019
I know you only when
there is no time.
And where there is nothing
and no empty spaces
And the only thing
that is real is my joy
I know your name
The only name that exists
Perfect, whole and complete forever
The why of what I am
April-June, 2019
In working with clients and in my inner personal healing work I am a big fan for simplifying everything and finding the path of least resistance.
I’ve found that when I am feeling stuck with finding a solution to a problem, or moving forward with a project, or in healing a hurting relationship with a loved one, that it’s because, well… “it’s complicated!” At least it seems to be. It can be so tempting to drop kick the Course book into the corner, distance yourself from a lifelong friendship, disown your family, get divorced. Because sticking with it is just too hard.
“The Course is Simple.”
April-June, 2019
This is the lesson for today. I know I have seen this lesson many times over the years, because there are underlined sentences, different colors of markers, and notes in the margins from previous years. Yet today the lesson and thought for the day seem fresh and new, as if I had not seen it before. The focus of this lesson is my thoughts.
Chapter 27 of the Text, Section VII, tells us “of one thing you were sure: of all the many causes you perceived as bringing pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among them.”
April-June, 2019
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 142 is a review of two previous ones.
“I thank my Father for His gifts to me” and “Let me remember I am one with God.”
As I sat with the first lesson, I closed my eyes and began to think about this. Deeply. What are God’s gifts to me? And they began to rise to my awareness; as I said them out loud to myself, I began to feel each one. They are so many, and so good. I realized that focusing and feeling these consistently can keep me in a state of fulfillment and oneness with God. The ones that were popping up like a water fountain and stood out more were these:
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