April-June, 2021
Everything is Gold.
I would like to share an experience I recently had at my ACIM group. It’s a new group only one month old. I am a recent graduate of Pathways of Light Spiritual College, which has changed my life totally and I absolutely love being a part of. I am so very grateful for this beautiful experience.
At our last group I was guided to wear gold. Unusual I thought, however I love following my guidance and being happy and delighted to play along like a little child. I put on gold jewelry which I hardly ever wear and a gold accented outfit. “Ok then, brave of me,” I thought.
As the meeting progressed a fellow student shared about a incredible meditation experience she had had several years earlier, where she saw everything around her covered in gold dust. She knew in that moment that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. And at all times. Everything is perfect, as is. I was so amazed and happy I was wearing my gold. To me this shows we are all connected. We are One. One Mind.
The first time I ever heard the statement that everything has happened exactly as it was supposed to and is happening now as it is supposed to and will unfold as it is supposed to, I really didn’t like it. There were a lot of things about my life I didn’t care for. Or really hated. I carried a lot of guilt, shame and condemnation about myself and my family as a result of growing up in an alcoholic home.
But as I grew spiritually and emotionally over time, I can now embrace that statement. It lets me know that there is a Power, a Force, an Energy, that knows, that is present, that Loves us all and at all times.
Love is just waiting for our acceptance; just waiting for us to say, “Yes. I’ll fall into Your loving arms and receive the all encompassing embrace of healing to calm and heal my mind, heart and soul.” Let us say yes, yes and a forever yes to this loving embrace.
Here’s a few similar quotes from ACIM.
“Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time. Yet that is what time is for, to learn just that and nothing more.” (T-15.I.1.:1)
“What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?” (W-pI.135.18:1)
Rev. Mary Lu Buie is a Pathways of Light minister living in Vero Beach, FL.
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