Miracles News

Sept.-Dec., 2024

FEAR in the Mirror Is the Face of Mercy!

by Rev. Vicki Evans, Ordained Ministerial Counselor

I felt inspired to take thoughts about fear and faith and place these thoughts into writing so that I could continue to reflect, revise, and hopefully refocus on insights to shift the balance away from fear and more towards faith. Sometimes my thoughts turn to a rumination session where I cycle and recycle worries that lead to fear and then spiral into the, “What if this happens?”

As fear crept into my being, I realized that I want to stop the train of events that turn thoughts into the reality of being afraid to try new things, giving safety advice to my family, and visualizing danger based scenarios. 

I woke up this week to a situation that fed the worry thoughts as the neighborhood sirens signaling the need to seek indoor shelter due to dangerous weather conditions. While I was debating whether to heed the warning, I felt the house shake and heard a thud sound which triggered me to head for the coat closet. Reality struck with torrential winds and rain and a tree falling into the backyard driveway area that blocked all exit from the gate.  The old “what if” thoughts came tumbling into my being as I imagined the house being smashed in from the tree and then reality hit in the form of loss of electrical power and the result of being unable to leave the house until the storm lessened. 

Fear for me was at a peak! What faith producing lessons and experiences could result from this situation?  I realized that I needed to choose faith and focus on the ways that I can see the Light in myself and others.

The first faith focus activity I embraced was a neighbor asking about the fallen tree and taking the responsibility to say that it was from their property, so they would be glad to help with the removal of the tree so our dogs would not get stuck with their canine curiosity of wanting to go into the infrastructure of the tree.

The team effort of the neighbors working with us to remove the tree was faith inspiring as we could not have moved the tree ourselves, but branch by branch, we did move the tree.

The next example of faith was when another neighbor walked across the street to help assess the damage and to report that their power was back, but our power was expected to be out for more days.  Faith blanketed me as this neighbor offered coffee, friendship, and hope with an opportunity to trade text numbers to help each of us feel safe and connected. 

During those moments of connection, I stayed in the present and forgot about fear as I reacted to the immediacy of the situation in accepting help and offering help. I embraced the words of Pathways of Light Course 132 focus card, “I am receptive and flexible, allowing each moment to be new. I am relaxed and allow a softness. I observe trance formations and let them be healed with the power of Love in me.”  Holy Spirit provided me with a visual that I remembered from Pathways of Light teachings where a picture emerged that showed two people face to face with a shared light between them joining them as One, and the line of light provided support and receiving along with giving and Love.  The message that was delivered to me via Holy Spirit was that I stand alone in fear, but I join in Oneness with others in faith. 

When I walk with fear as my companion, I become distrustful of others, waiting for a negative response or a judgment. When I walk in faith, I see the day as light with thoughts of safety and Love as I realize that we are all One and everyone is my brother. My thoughts brought me the idea that FEAR is just a 4-letter word and when spelled backwards it is the anadrome RAEF.  I researched the meaning of RAEF and found that it has meanings in French and Arabic and means Merciful, Kind, Benign, and Compassionate! This message is just the words I needed and the mantra that I can keep inside of me for going forward in my life’s journey!

Rev. Vicki Evans, O.M.C., is a Pathways of Light minister living in Dallas, Texas. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Phone: 713-775-9153

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