Miracles News

January-March, 2013

Physical Miracles in Action

by Rev. Nouk Sanchez, O.M.C.

Rev. Nouk SanchezPart 1 — While all miracles are born from healing the ‘cause,’ which is our perception, they can extend to the level of ‘effect’ (form) as well. They can do so because both cause (mind) and effect (body and the world) remain together in our mind and cannot be separate. They can certainly appear to be separate, but only in our fear-based perception. Usually, though, we will not witness a miracle at the form level if we are still afraid of it.

Fear of the miracle, especially of physical miracles, is the unconscious fear of God that runs the entire ego thought system. Translated to a practical level, it is the unconscious fear of the power within our Holy Self as God’s extension. To recognize and embody this One Power has its price. In a nutshell it is forfeiting our personal will to be separate and to suffer. I am finding that it is nothing less than the total relinquishment of the ‘self’ and the world as I knew them, including all the laws I have come to believe both sustain and attack us and our world.

In my experience, as we willingly exhume our unconscious beliefs and release them to Spirit, our trust in the One Power of God’s Love increases. And as it does so, we no longer block, out of fear, the miracle’s efficacy. We allow the miracle to naturally translate from cause to the effect level. This is when we begin to witness more miracles as they translate to the ‘effect’ level in our life. I really didn’t embrace this level of Jesus’ deeper teachings until fairly recently so I am just beginning to trust in the consistency of the Atonement (miracle that undoes fear in the mind).

Here in the ego’s dream we are so accustomed to believing that God’s Will is inconsistent. Sometimes we heal and sometimes we don’t. If we don’t heal then we say it must be God’s Will, a lesson for us to learn. On the contrary, God’s Will is healing! And healing is consistent! When we don’t heal it’s because we still retain some un-forgiveness that we are not yet prepared to surrender.

God is infinite healing, joy, Love and abundance. It is the unconscious ego that projects its fearful image onto God along with its own pathetic inconsistency. The ego is the exact opposite of trust. So there is no way it can trust Spirit, especially in healing. That is why many of us feel so much safer to trust in what Jesus refers to as ‘magic’ i.e. the medical model, supplements, nutrition, diet, and alternative medicine, etc.

To heal the real cause of any perceived problem I must have no personal agenda. It helps to remember that while it appears that I am suffering, I have done this thing to myself. It is important to check my priority first. If I prioritize a physical change in my body, another or a situation then I must believe the problem is ‘real.’ And this is what the ego wants. When we believe it’s real, we cannot forgive it. The ego is obsessed with remedying ‘effects’ so that we never go within to heal the true and single ‘cause,’ which is unconscious guilt (self-attack) in our mind.

To truly heal, we must be willing to offer Spirit our wrong perception of the problem. There is never any problem other than one. And that is that we are using our body, another, the past or the world to attack ourselves in order to separate from God’s Love as our Holy Self. That’s it. Short and to the point. Only one problem. And there is only one remedy, regardless of the seeming hierarchy of illusions that face us. When we know this, and when we practice this, is when we will come to witness Jesus’ # 1 Miracle Principle that, indeed, there is no order of difficulty in miracles.

The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself. No matter what the form of the attack, this still is true. Whoever takes the role of enemy and of attacker, still is this the truth. Whatever seems to be the cause of any pain and suffering you feel, this is still true. For you would not react at all to figures in a dream you knew that you were dreaming. Let them be as hateful and as vicious as they may, they could have no effect on you unless you failed to recognize it is your dream.

This single lesson learned will set you free from suffering, whatever form it takes. The Holy Spirit will repeat this one inclusive lesson of deliverance until it has been learned, regardless of the form of suffering that brings you pain. Whatever hurt you bring to Him He will make answer with this very simple truth. For this one answer takes away the cause of every form of sorrow and of pain. The form affects His answer not at all, for He would teach you but the single cause of all of them, no matter what their form. And you will understand that miracles reflect the simple statement, “I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo. (T-27.VIII.10-11)

To heal, I must desire to heal my perception over and above anything else. And if there is resentment with another, then I must have a desire to close this gap between myself and another. To share a recent example of a physical miracle, I found myself feeling financially challenged (which is becoming increasingly less real to me these days). A few months ago I began renting a small apartment in a secluded valley in Sedona, Arizona. My hidden cave affords me solitude and quiet to finish writing this paradigm-shifting book, The End of Death. And as our fledgling nonprofit, Take Me to Truth, Inc., cannot afford to pay me an income yet, I was wondering how I would pay the rent.

I decided to be totally transparent with the landlady, explaining that I could only pay $900 instead of the agreed rent being $1200 (for 2 months). She was nice enough and agreed but with a warning never to do this again. I could sense her disappointment and resentment. This left me feeling guilty and I noticed that I tried to avoid her over the next few days. So I decided to take this ‘lack of peace’ to Spirit to surrender in exchange for the miracle. And I wholeheartedly accepted the Atonement. I recall the Holy Instant in which all I genuinely desired was to close the fearful and guilty gap that seemed to dwell between this landlady and myself.

So then I had to wait to see how Spirit would heal this dilemma. But how? Okay, I remembered that I had already given this to Spirit and that I had already accepted Atonement (miracle). Now all I needed to do was trust… implicitly.

When rent day arrived, I withdrew exactly $900 from my account and retained the receipt. When I met with the landlady, I handed her the $900 cash and sincerely apologized for disappointing her. I watched her as she counted the cash in $100 bundles. And then, to my absolute surprise, a joyous burst of delight lit up her face. Suddenly she said, “Thank you! There is $1200 cash here! Are you sure you don’t need some of this returned?” I was in shock. I asked her to count again. There couldn’t possibly be $1200 because I only withdrew $900 and had the receipt to prove it. She recounted and yes, it was true. There in cold hard cash was what she had originally wanted, all $1200!

What happened? See how the ego immediately tries to censor this? It tries to justify it as a mistake and attempts to disprove the miracle because it’s obsessed with a need to conform to its rigid laws of ego-reality. When the miracle pierces and shatters the laws of this world’s paradigm, the ego’s foundation is seriously shaken to the core. And that is exactly what Jesus did when he healed the sick and raised the dead 2,000 years ago. I’m learning that miracles certainly do not conform to the laws of this paradigm… They prove the ego’s laws are just not real.

As I look back, I see the exact Holy Instant where the miracle was accepted. It was when I wholeheartedly desired to close that awkward ‘gap’ that appeared between the landlady and myself. Her particular idol at that time was receiving the full $1200. And while I could not imagine how I could meet her needs, Spirit could. I had an instant where I did not see her needs as different from my own. And that was where the miracle came in.

The formula for the miracle always involves a pure intent to heal the seeming gap between our self and God. The gap may appear to manifest between us and another. It can also appear between us and the body or a seeming situation. However it is never about healing what is not really there, i.e. sickness, lack, pain, loss, etc. If I seem to see sickness in my body, in another’s body or scarcity in my life or another’s, then my singular intent is to heal the gap that I imagined exists between myself and God within.

There is never any other problem, regardless of where I seem to see a problem. The ‘cause’ of what I seem to perceive as a problem, is always the gap I allowed to come between me and my Holy Self; and therefore will manifest between me and the body, others and the world. My rent miracle occurred because I sincerely desired to bridge the gap between myself and the landlady. For an instant I forgot my own needs and joined with hers; for an instant I perceived her needs as not different from my own. And in that instant I was reunited with God as my Holy Self. And another great chunk of unconscious guilt just fell away.
© Copyright 2012 Nouk Sanchez

Physical Miracles in Action Part II

Presently I am learning a great deal about real healing. Let me share another example of the miracle translating to the physical level. Around nine months ago I noticed a lesion on my leg and thought it looked like a sun spot; a kind of solar keratosis (from too much sun damage). As the summer unfolded, this spot began to grow rapidly and I felt a familiar pang of fear as the ego warned me this could be a form of skin cancer. Guilt reared its ugly head again as I recalled my many years of bathing in the hot Australian sun.

I have had a few of these sun spots removed by a doctor before, however this one was the biggest and fastest growing of them all. I couldn’t help but recognize my sudden spike of fear over this. However I soon remembered exactly what this kind of fearful situation was really made for — to take my fear, my mistaken perception, to Spirit and to exchange it for the miracle instead.

My process was to first recognize that I was in fear. I asked myself what my greatest fear was, and in that moment, it was suffering and death. So I looked at the idea of suffering and death with Spirit as I took this deeply within. I saw quickly that pain or death and God’s Love were mutually exclusive. Only one was true. So I consciously reminded myself that my fear of pain and death was totally ungrounded. After all, it was not God’s Will for me and I wanted only to join with God’s Will. I remembered that I was safe in my mindful awareness of and gratitude for God’s Love as my Holy Self.

I was also aware of the ego’s game of denial. So another step in this process is acceptance. We cannot forgive (heal) something that we remain in denial of. We must be willing to accept the appearance of the problem and our fearful reaction to it. Yet we do this with Spirit. We will recognize Spirit’s presence because our fear will dissipate or vanish and our original ‘belief’ in the problem as a threat will also be weakened. There will be no judgment or self-judgment as we gaze upon our fear with Spirit. Only an instant of suspended doubt is required for the miracle to replace and heal our misguided perception.

The biggest contributor to unconscious guilt, and therefore to our unconscious attraction to random acts of self-attack, is our obsession with making decisions alone, independently from Spirit. In my own experience I see a pattern. When I mindlessly take my life too seriously, while independently attempting to sustain or protect myself or another, I leave my Self. And when I leave my Self, I abandon God’s Love.

In this state I am indeed a prime target for random bouts of unconscious self-attack by the ego. The need to control myself, my body, others and the world, is an expression of my unconscious guilt as I partially recognize that, while I run my life independently from Spirit, I must then secretly believe I separated from God and that I am guilty. And my guilt over this will surely manifest in different forms of attack. Yet all attack is self-attack.

In July of 2012 I sincerely accepted Atonement (miracle) for the appearance of this lesion. And I just ‘knew’ that my perception had been healed so I was sure that the lesion would heal as well. After all, the cause in my mind was never separate from its effect in the body or the world. Heal the cause and the effect must follow, right? Otherwise there would be a fatal flaw in God’s Plan.

If the cause was truly healed (guilt) but the effect remained, then that would mean that cause and effect were separate and that ideas do leave their source. In other words, that even though the cause (source) of the problem is healed in my mind, the effects (symptoms) would remain separate and unhealed as if they were independent of their real cause in my mind.

And while that may appear to occur at times, it could only be because I am still too fearful of the miracle translating to the level of form. So I will unconsciously block it. That is why sometimes it takes patience in the illusion of time, before we actually see the effects of the miracle. As our trust in Love increases, we will see time collapsing in this regard.

Anyway, around two months after my Atonement prayer, the lesion had not healed. In fact it had grown even more. I nearly buckled at that particular spike of fear. But my Inner Guidance was to keep taking every scrap of fear to Spirit over this, and to listen to fearless guidance within rather than to the fearful shrieks of the ego. This is real trust. As I said previously, I just ‘knew’ that the guilty cause of the lesion had already been healed. And that all I was seeing with my body’s eyes now was the ego’s tempting ‘appearance’ calling on me to respond with fear.

We will not be misled today by what appears to us as sick. We go beyond appearances today and reach the source of healing, from which nothing is exempt. We will succeed to the extent to which we realize that there can never be a meaningful distinction made between what is untrue and equally untrue. Here there are no degrees, and no beliefs that what does not exist is truer in some forms than others. All of them are false, and can be cured because they are not true. (W-pI.140.9)

More than three months went by. I found that all my concern about the lesion had dropped away entirely. And for the last month I totally took my focus away from it, reminding myself that I had surrendered this body’s purpose and health to Spirit. Therefore the body was no longer my personal responsibility. This body belonged to Spirit and my sole responsibility was to let Spirit run it from now on. And what a relief that was!

Last week after taking a shower I couldn’t help but notice something was missing on my leg. The lesion had fallen away entirely. No scar, no redness, not a single sign that it ever existed. It just vanished into thin air leaving not one shred of evidence. I was astonished. I sat on my bed and stared at my perfect lesion-less skin. And I must confess I was tempted to awe for a moment. And then? I felt tears of gratitude and joy welling up inside of me. Of course… healing is always consistent as long as I maintain consistent trust in God’s Love as my Holy Self.

The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing. And this is so for healing in all forms. A patient decides that this is so, and he recovers. If he decides against recovery, he will not be healed. Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient himself. The outcome is what he decides that it is. Special agents seem to be ministering to him, yet they but give form to his own choice. He chooses them in order to bring tangible form to his desires. And it is this they do, and nothing else. They are not actually needed at all.  The patient could merely rise up without their aid and say, “I have no use for this.” There is no form of sickness that would not be cured at once.

What is the single requisite for this shift in perception? It is simply this; the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body. What does this recognition “cost”? It costs the whole world you see, for the world will never again appear to rule the mind. For with this recognition is responsibility placed where it belongs; not with the world, but on him who looks on the world and sees it as it is not. (M-5.II.2,3:1-5)

Your reality will obey either the laws of the ego, or the Laws of God; depending upon which you commit your allegiance to.

Nouk’s Forgiveness Prayer:

“Holy Spirit, please help me to forgive myself for using ___ (person, pain, sickness, depression, financial scarcity, anger, self doubt, etc.,) ______ to attack myself and to separate from You as my Holy Self.” ❦

Nouk is co-author of Take Me to Truth and Founder of the ‘Take Me to Truth Foundation.’ Nouk’s book,The End of Death will be announced in her Newsletter. To sign up for the Newsletter go to http://www.undoing-the-ego.org/newsletter.html
Click here to go to her website.

© 2013, Pathways of Light. https://www.pathwaysoflight.org
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