January-March, 2025
I’m studying 924: Miracles Practitioner, Part IV, which is a study of the Psychotherapy Section of A Course in Miracles. I had not been very interested in this section of the Course at first because I am not a therapist, so I didn’t see how that applied to me. But as it turns out, the Holy Spirit is the Psychotherapist, and as we allow Him to work through us, we are His psychotherapists.
We play this role each time someone asks for help, whether we realize it or not. The only question is, do we let the Holy Spirit work through us so that we can be truly helpful? Once I understood this, I became very interested in this section of A Course in Miracles, and I have enjoyed the two courses from Pathways of Light that cover it. In fact, these are now two of my favorite courses.
This morning, I read something in Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice that caught my attention.
“Your patients need not be physically present for you to serve them in the Name of God. This may be hard to remember, but God will not have His gifts to you limited to the few you actually see. You can see others as well, for seeing is not limited to the body’s eyes. Some do not need your physical presence. They need you as much, and perhaps even more, at the instant they are sent.” (P-3.I.3:1-5)
This is not something that I have thought about very much. I can see how true it is, though. I have had people I didn’t know, have never met, and had no idea they knew me who let me know that I helped them through my writing or the videos I posted on YouTube. Sometimes, this help has come at the perfect time for them. There are probably people who have received help that I will never know about. It is humbling to think so.
“It does not matter how they come. They will be sent in whatever form is most helpful; a name, a thought, a picture, an idea, or perhaps just a feeling of reaching out to someone somewhere.” (P-3.I.3:7-8)
Sometimes, I will be reading a news article and suddenly feel compassion for the one I am reading about. In that moment, I have given love and support to them at a time when they may need it very much. I could never know to do that, nor could I arrange it so that they experienced it on a conscious level. But the Holy Spirit can arrange the joining of our minds at that moment and will ensure the gift is received. My part is so small, really, but also important. Again, I am humbled to be a part of this healing.
“The joining is in the hands of the Holy Spirit. It cannot fail to be accomplished.” (P-3.I.3:9-10)
I wonder how often this kind of thing happens to us, and we have no idea of the good we do. I keep my mind as free of unforgiven thoughts as I can so that I am always miracle-ready. In this way, I continue to act on behalf of the Psychotherapist when called upon. The Holy Spirit is in charge of the joining, so it cannot fail to be accomplished. I don’t have to worry about anything. I don’t even have to know that it occurred.
“Who calls on him is far beyond his understanding. Yet would he not rejoice that he can answer, when only thus will he be able to hear the call and understand that it is his?”
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