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Rev. Heather, Calgary, AB

Heather is an Ordained Ministerial Counselor. She is also a life student when it comes to studying information to help awaken to her true nature, and is a Bodyworker focused on uniting body, mind and spiritual health.

Heather experienced a major shift while in a store she was hit by an SUV, and found this to be a life altering experience as she was left permanently physically challenged and forced to re-evaluate her life. ACIM helped her to deal with this experience.

Heather welcomes you to the opportunity to awaken to your true self by journeying with her through the study of A Course of Miracles via courses given by Pathways of Light . She facilitates Pathways of Light 8 week programs and Pathways of Light College courses such as Healing Inner Child and Spiritual Awakening. Heather’s goal is to provide you with the tools to find your own voice and hear your Inner Guidance to remember the miracle of who you are.

As a Pathways of Light Minister, Rev. Heather is available to create a supportive environment to lovingly and legally perform Weddings, Unions, Baptisms, Blessings and any life transition Ceremonies.

Rev. Heather is also a Pathways of Light Spiritual Relationship Counselor and is available for the 12-week Spiritual Relationship Counseling program.

Join with Rev. Heather in person, Zoom, or Teleconference.

Call Heather at 587-717-2979. (Please leave a message.)

To email Heather, Click Here.

Rev. Heather offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Heather offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 905


Rev. Magdalena Smrdelj, Calgary, AB

Rev. Magdalena Smrdelj, CTP Dipl, O.M.C. shares that her deepest desire is to accompany you on your awakening journey towards an experience of self-acceptance, inner peace, deep contentment, and joy in your life because, as A Course in Miracles teaches us, we awaken together or not at all.

“I have been profoundly blessed with the teachings of A Course in Miracles and Pathways of Light, which have the power to gently guide and inspire us to awaken more consistently to the deep, quiet, holy center of our being where the Love and Peace of God reside.”

To email Magdalena, Click Here.

Rev. Magdalena Smrdelj offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Magdalena Smrdelj offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:

901 904


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