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Rev. Shon Nelson, Fresno, CA

As long as I can remember, I have had a deep desire to know God. I was raised in a religion that had strict rules about what was acceptable to God, and as I matured, I found myself no longer welcome in that religion. This left me feeling lost for many years without a way to understand God. In 1995, I was first introduced to A Course In Miracles by a client whom I had great respect for. She told me that I wasn't ready for it. I bought the book in a New Thought bookstore and couldn't wait to get home to read this book that "I wasn't ready for." I tried to read it and it might as well have been written in Greek. None of it made sense to me. 

Five years later I was deeply depressed. I was seeing both a psychologist and a psychiatrist. I was on three different types of anti-depressants. One day my psychiatrist told me "you need spirituality." She guided me to read Eckhart Tolle, who reminded me in his books about A Course In Miracles. Now I was ready! My journey began. 

The journey hasn't been without trials and tribulations. I had struggles with addiction, co-dependency and deep feelings of unworthiness. I had found an ACIM study group, which met every week that became my spiritual family. They showed me true unconditional love and support. They never judged me and always took me back to the truth that is so lovingly described in A Course In Miracles

Because of the love that I discovered through my years of studying A Course In Miracles, I have a deep desire to share this path with others. Through the practice of forgiveness, stillness and listening to the voice within, my life has been transformed through joy, playfulness, joining with others, extending love and seeing the light of innocence in all my Brothers and Sisters. It is my great joy to be a teacher of God with Pathways of Light. Feel free to connect with me any time. I would love to hear from you and join in Love. Blessings of Love and Joy.

Visit Shon’s website at

Call Shon at (559)307-5146.

To email Shon, Click Here.

Rev. Shon Nelson offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Shon Nelson offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



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