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Rev. Barbara Rogoski,
Rev.Barbara or "Rev.B". is an American living in The Netherlands for more than 30 years. Raised as a strict Catholic, Barbara followed the strict guidelines of the Catholic Church for much of her youth and early adulthood. When she was given an opportunity to move to The Netherlands at age 24 to open a sales office for her U.S. based company, she grabbed it. She found a church in The Hague and became very active as Foodfair and Charities Committee Chairperson. She married a Dutch man and had 2 children and decided to stay permanently in The Nethelands.
In 2006, Barbara wanted to be of more service to her community and came across the Pathways of Light Spiritual College and was very excited to learn about different ways to look at God, Faith and Spirituality from A Course in Miracles perspective. She was proudly ordained a Pathways of Light Minister in 2008 - the first one in the Netherlands.
She asked God to give her a bigger job to do. He sure answered...
In 2009, Barbara's marriage was ending, and at the same time, she had a lightning bolt moment of discovery of herself - that she was gay and was gay her whole life - but never faced it because of her Catholic upbringing.
Scary and unsettling as it was, Barbara searched and found an LGBTQ church in Amsterdam and became an active member, but it was all in the Dutch language. So, one day, during the service, Barbara heard a small voice from above say, “As minister, you open an English speaking church in the Netherlands for LGBTQI international people.” And that is just what she did in 2013 and ran it happily for 3 years. She was the founder of the World Religion Boat in the Amsterdam Canal Parade in 2016 and won 1st prize from 80 boats.
The church closed in 2016 and Barbara went into semi retirement. Seven years later, she is active in her Dutch LGBTQI Christian church and wants to step up and come back to ministerial service.
Rev.B is available to all persons of faith - including all LGBTQI persons who might be struggling with your relationship with God and family.
God loves us all - just as we are.
To email Barbara, Click Here.
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