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Rev. Monika Skyland, OMC, Linz, Austria

Monika Skyland, Ordained Ministerial Counselor, is an author, an intuitive guide and a spiritual mentor, striving to live with "feet on earth and heart in heaven," combining running an educational enterprise with leading an awakened life and being a conscious parent.

One of her greatest passions is to help people find their true life purpose, discover their innate gifts and allow self-forgiveness, which leads to more self-love, peace and happiness in life. Monika holds seminars on Self-worth and Self-esteem, Self-forgiveness, Love and Self-Love, Intuition, Conscious Parenting, Nurturing Your Inner Child, Discovering Your Life-Purpose and your True Gifts. She also teaches how to live in connection with your Inner Wisdom to become your authentic self, experientially distinguish the inner guidance of your Higher Self from the limited voice of your ego; and how you can integrate intuition and Divine guidance in all areas of your life. Her favorite topics are self-love and self-forgiveness leading to discovering your true self-worth, originating from the Spirit within.

A natural intuitive, Monika has grown in a household with four religions and respectful openness towards different methods leading to inner growth. By her own choice at the age of 13, she has practiced Buddhism for 27 years, studied Philosophy and Theory of Perception. She left organized religion at the age of 40 to study mystical writings of the main religious and philosophical systems, and was trained on three continents in different systems of accessing inner wisdom. This brought her to ACIM. Having experienced the positive changes as the result of working with the materials of the Pathways of Light based on A Course in Miracles, Monika decided to become a facilitator and start offering these courses as well. She sees them as a great and effective means for spiritual awakening, inner healing, a shift in perception and dissolving inner blocks.

Monika lives in Austria, Europe, with her husband and their two children who are growing up with the gift of being raised trilingual, aware of being worthy as their birthmark, and conscious that the source of their true strength lies within them. Although based in Austria, Monika works internationally, using English and German language, and is available to facilitate Pathways of Light courses, both in groups and correspondence, in person, by phone and via Skype.

Click the email link below to contact Rev. Monika. Or visit her website HERE.

To email Monika, Click Here.

Rev. Monika Skyland, OMC offers the following services as a Pathways of Light Minister:

Rev. Monika Skyland, OMC offers the following Miracles Practitioner courses:



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