These thoughts came to me recently.
The insanity of the world will stop when I stop the insane thinking in my mind.
The ego denies that my thoughts can actually ‘do’ anything. But thoughts I have had made the world I “see.” This world is meaningless because the thoughts that I had, made this world based on fear and there is no fear in reality.
All fear is based on a false idea. It makes no difference how many minds believe in the idea for that belief will never make it Reality. It is only real to the mind that is dreaming it.
As long as I believe, or value something, then it exists for me. I must be valuing the separation idea, thinking it gives me something I want. Do I see “power” in autonomy? Strength in unloving thoughts? Do I want to wash my hands of the world, then I can be “free” to do what I like? These kind of beliefs give energy to the tiny separated sliver of mind that thinks it is separate. Yet this thought of separation will never be real, for what never happened can have no meaning or effects.
My meaningless ideas show me a meaningless world.
Is this what I really want?
© 2023, Pathways of Light.
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This inspiration came from a Saturday morning discussion group. We were reading section II from Chap. 30.
T.30.II., 4.7
“7 But you will not forgive the world until you have forgiven Him Who gave your will to you.”
When this sentence came up in our reading [to forgive God], I thought, ‘what does this mean?’ After a few shares from the group, Spirit inspired my mind with this.
‘When the Course talks about forgiving Jesus, or God, it is not referring to the Reality of Love or God that I’m asked to forgive. It is the story about god that I made, that I’m letting go of the projection that I made.’
T-16.VII.9. “2 All that must be forgiven are the illusions you have held against your brothers. 3 Their reality has no past, and only illusions can be forgiven. 4 God holds nothing against anyone, for He is incapable of illusions of any kind.”
© 2022, Pathways of Light.
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Praise does not bring happiness. Only the recognition of true unity does happiness waken you from sleep.
Knowing your true worth will free you from the mind of doubt and seeking.
Your Father/Mother knows your value is immutable, that not even for a tiny tick of time have you parted from the holiness that encircles you.
T.22.IV. 6 To all who share the Love of God the grace is given to be the givers of what they have received. And so they learn that is theirs forever.
© 2022, Pathways of Light.
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Only in dreams can you experience loss, deceit, pain or guilt. Only dreams need healing or to be awakened from. In and of themselves dreams are meaningless. (I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me.)
When you give dreams to Holy Spirit for His interpretation, they then have the purpose of waking the Son to the truth of Love and nothing can halt the perfect outcome of what has joined for a single purpose.
If Love is Reality, how can anything else exist? If only God’s Love (and let me assure you there is only God’s Love) anything other then perfect love is an illusion.
When I allow any projected thought take precedence over the reality of Love, I am only, yet always, mistaken. When I truly want the thought or projection corrected, it will be done instantly, though I may not recognize it is.
I must accept that anything I perceive in my dream world, only arrives from my own thoughts. This is the key to true freedom or release. (I am doing this and it is this I would undo. T.27.VIII. 11,6)
I am projecting this world, projecting every scene, every story to uphold the belief in the personal/mythical “me”. Every character “I” have put there to “prove” that my version of life is true. I have made it, so it is “true” to me. All the characters were made to support the (my) story that never happened. I have given the power/energy to the ego system and I can take back the energy just the same. I am the chooser — — the decision maker.
What “I” fear, I have pushed down & down (in my mind). Hurling it away in projections, it has never really left my mind.
Holy Spirit, help me look at this insane thinking. You know the way, which I have forgotten. I seek Your Help in everything, in all my “doing” and every thought that I see.
© 2022, Pathways of Light.
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“Should-a, could-a, would-a,” are all ego ammunition. Don’t give it it’s armaments — when you hear ego whining, remember that you are not interested. You do not need it’s rationalizations. You either do (whatever) or you do not — “there is no try.”
The ego’s only purpose is to be sure that you do not remember the truth or Love. So in any moment when you are totally relaxed or totally innocent, the ego thought will inject itself, causing conflict of thoughts. It will remove your awareness of peace, with out-right defense or a false sense of being right.
An example I had, was getting onto a conference call. I had forgotten to remind my friend the day before the call, that I needed her to dial me in. When the time came, she didn’t call me, I tried calling her and her line was ‘busy’. I tried, mentally for her to call me. I tried her number again, and again, and again. (You know, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results). Then I got quiet again when I realized that the little mind was trying to make “things happen,” trying to correct the error with it’s own logic. (I don’t know what anything, including this, means — — I give it to You.) Then I let it go. For a few minutes. After awhile, I tried calling the conference number itself. It too had the “busy” signal. Hmm — that’s interesting, as I’d had another friend experience the same problem at other times.
Now I truly had to lay it down. Then the thoughts I related above, came to mind. The ego will manipulate any event to make it appear as if I’m the victim or somehow I am at fault. (Another failure.) As I become more aware of the ego tactics and schemes I am less and less willing to play along. I choose to be reminded of the truth, step back from the battle of meaningless thoughts, and pause for peace.
I not not know what anything is for, how then, how could I possibly know what this [these events] means? All that anything in this world is for the awakening of the the Son. I will accept my part in the plan of salvation or happiness. I do not have to understand how this is done. My little part is simply to be led. He knows the way and I do not. I am content to follow Him. He will share with me all that I need when I need it.
Thank you, Holy Spirit!
© 2022, Pathways of Light.
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I had been wondering what causes me to perceive or make someone into a ‘special’ person.
I had been thinking of a friend that I met through a spiritual group. Within this group we had been given a tool to look at pain (body or mental) and discover the underlying belief that made the pain. I was going to do something at the computer, then I felt a pain between the shoulder blades. I moved to the couch, and used the practice to look at the perceived cause of the pain. (Note: after the Inner Wisdom Counseling, I never experienced that pain again.)
I was led to a past life. In that seeming life as a native american, I was seen as a threat by a young man, who thought that killing me, would protect him and the camp from further troubles. He put a hatchet in my back. I held no condemnation of him. After my death, another woman came from the camp and performed the rituals of our tribe on the body. I felt very connected to her, and in her understanding with lack of fear, she guided me to go to the light when it was time. She affirmed that there was no distance between us and that we were forever connected by Spirit, in Spirit. I felt such over whelming gratitude and love. A piece of unworthiness was healed. Then I asked my Inner Guidance if I knew this person now, and was told yes, I asked if it was Judi, and was affirmed yes.
Now the rest of the story. The ego mind then put Judi in the “special” category — — that she was more “worthy” than others of friendship, that we shared a deeper connection. This is the ego’s fantasy. This is what the ego’s story has us constantly seeking for. Yet this story is nothing. We chose to forget our creation by a Father that knows nothing of separation. What He did not create or think of, does not exist!
It would indeed be Heaven on earth if we loved one another with the conviction that the”other” that I see is forever part of me or one with me. God’s children are totally equal, without distinctions, wholly lovable and wholly loving. If anyone I “see” or think of would be recognized as being my own holy Self there could be no separate identities. That body/being is simply me playing another role in the game I have dreamed.
The special love I thought I had with a “special other” was another call to choose again. To wake from the dream or fantasy of special perceptions. To the undeniable truth of the connection of Love with Love. To imagine a home or world with the complete understanding that the individual before me or in my thoughts is only an expression of Love, is to be free of hell (guilt) and being One with Creation.
Until I truly give up identifying myself with a body, I continue with the daily practice, daily reminders of truth, of Love. I do notice that when I am acting in a non-judging or gentle way that do feel safe and calm. I practice being open to my holy Guide and follow It’s perfect direction that leads me to peace. Looking with the eyes of Love I experience peace.
© 2021, Pathways of Light.
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Doing the same thing over and over again —- that is fear.
“We must love. We can not afford to hate.” Prof Wm Council, 1897
Our natural state of being is from Love and IS Love Itself. For as long as we deny our natural state— we will be in fear. As long as we tolerate fear, fear will continue to run wild throughout our life or experience. Just as Kindness begets kindness, fear begets fear.
When we accept that fear thoughts are only errors in our thinking we are then willing to let correction be done to our errant thoughts. Mistakes are for correction not punishment.
From pleasant dreams to unpleasant to even atrocious dreams, we must become aware we are choosing which thoughts we allow into our minds. Our mind is part of God’s Mind, so it is powerful. Our minds have made up an entire world and all it’s complexities, all it’s divisions. it’s opposites. Our belief in the world is so strong we can barely imagine anything else to be true (and when we try the ego warns us not to go there without dire consequences). So we do the same thing over and over, following the chosen belief over and over, repeating the idea again and again — — which is what strengthens the idea. It makes the idea appear as solid as granite stone. So what is mistaken appears as the only reality.
Thankfully we have another choice! The fear based mind does not want to acknowledge that we can choose differently — or that there is another thought system we can use. The egoic mind wants only to use the fear based system and thus do the fear thoughts appear seemingly at random. Fear comes to mind to disrupt peace. We must want to reject (or not entertain) the fear thoughts. We must accept responsibility for what we allow into our mind.
The world I “see” was made from fear. Do I want to live in the fear filled world? Or do I want a world of peace, compassion and acceptance? Do I want to know the truth of a Love that is all encompassing, without limit or conditions without end?
Really? Do I choose Love or fear?
© 2021, Pathways of Light.
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