805: Attracting Nurturing Personal Relationships
805: Attracting Nurturing
Personal Relationships
Singles or partners — build nurturing relationships. Connect with your inner Spirit to learn more evolved ways of attracting and maintaining desirable relationships.
- Shed the weight of old emotional resistances which have kept you on the defensive and have blocked healthy relationships in the past.
 - Recognize when unconscious, limiting mental scripts are operating in your life. With your observer self, learn how to dissolve these scripts and replace them with healing scripts.
 - See how issues of power affect your relationships and how to empower each other rather than control each other.
 - Learn to shift your perception in your relationships from the perspective of your personality self to the knowing wisdom of your true Self.
 - Learn and role-play a five-step process to express yourself without blaming. This process takes you through the perceived hurt to forgiveness and Love. It is a powerful tool to build intimacy, release resentment and express your true Self in your relationships.
 - Learn healing responses you can use when someone becomes fearful, tense or defensive, which can transform the relationship to a powerful path of shared awakening.
At any time you may upgrade this course to credentialed study with a facilitator to receive certification. Certification qualifies toward fulfilling the requirements for ordination as a Pathways of Light Ordained Ministerial Counselor.
Comments from Course 805 Participants —
This course provides concrete, practical ways of repatterning trance scripts from my past. The processes are very useful. I want to do them with my partner at home. — C.S.
The most valuable thing I gained in this course is the incredible lesson to be absolutely quiet and just listen for as long as it takes. The connection I felt with Spirit and my partner was awesome. — J.S.
The Softening Technique is very helpful in my stressful job. I learned how to identify the trance scripts in my head and not attach to them. I really enjoyed the processes, and will use them often. — M.N.
I marvel at how well the course is put together, how pertinent it is to my daily living. — B.G.
I was able to look within in a simple way. As the gentleness healed my heart, new insight surfaced about my relationships, expecially working with clients. — K.M.
With faith in Spirit, I am not alone as I recognize and release addictions and habit patterns of behavior that no longer serve me. I found that my observer self sees things very differently from my reactive self. Tension in my body is a great indicator. All relationships serve a higher purpose. — J.R.
I want to facilitate this course often so others can experience the peace and unconditional love for others like I now can more readily do with the knowledge of this course. Thank you. — E.S.
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